Christmas 2007

I exchanged presents with MILF last night and then we fell asleep watching LOST. It was nice.

I'm going to some work party of hers tonight. There might be iceskating.
Must've been "Stranger in a Strange Land".

Bwhahaha crappy episode burn FTW!

I haven't been ice skating in forever. It's fun if I recall correctly.

I never learned, but want to this Winter with all the school-free time I have. At 18, it's gonna be embarassing, but I figure it'll payoff in the big picture.
I never learned, but want to this Winter with all the school-free time I have. At 18, it's gonna be embarassing, but I figure it'll payoff in the big picture.

Aren't you Canadian?

I thought Ice skating was a requirement to try and create more hockey players
Bwhahaha crappy episode burn FTW!

I never learned, but want to this Winter with all the school-free time I have. At 18, it's gonna be embarassing, but I figure it'll payoff in the big picture.

I've never been ice-skating.

I learned when I was real young, but I never learned how to stop properly, so I usually just ram into the wall, or any kids that happen to be in my way.
So I was presented with my Christmas present tonight by my mother. It was a rather large, wrapped box that I discovered to be. . .

Filled with more wrapped boxes. Which I preceded to unwrap.

To discover a Nintendo Wii

And Wii Play plus an extra nunchuck

And the Zapper

And the Psyclone Essential Starter Kit

And Super Mario Galaxy and Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

She told me "Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, and go buy Guitar Hero III by your-own-damn-self.


And I've still got presents coming to me from other people :D. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta'.

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