Moon Knight TV series discusion/speculation


Didn't **** any of those *****es
Jun 16, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Source: Marvel Entertainment, Inc. October 25, 2006

Marvel Studios, a division of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and Vancouver based production company, No Equal Entertainment, have entered into an agreement to develop a live-action television series based on Marvel's cult favorite Moon Knight. The announcement was made today by David Maisel of Marvel Entertainment and Larry Sugar of No Equal Entertainment.

I have a feeling this will end up like Blade
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Nothing could be as bad as Blade. This has potential if done right.
hopefully they will learn from the mistakes of blade. but it was also said blade may continue just not on spike tv.

was trying to find where i heard that. it was on about a month ago.

Is there life yet in 'Blade: The Series'? Probably not, but Neil Jackson who starred as the villain of the show writes this in his MySpace blog:

"NEW LINE are still behind the show and are currently shopping for a new home, so things may start a fresh elsewhere."
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Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Nothing could be as bad as Blade. This has potential if done right.

Blade had potential, remember that. But I have a feeling general viewers may see it as a Batman rip off. They need to be dramatically different and original
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

I just read about this on superhero hype

more superhero live action tv = good

blade still is not come on uk tv

I do knot know much of moon knight only seen him in ultimate spider-man but i think this kick ***

of course i said same thing about blade tv show and catwoman movie when i heard so i could be wrong.
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Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation


"Moon Night" ? Lower case "tv"? Discussion is spelled wrong.

This is like what I would type if I was drunk.

You're better than that.

To the topic:

WTF!?! They'd rather do Moon Knight and not Daredevil?

**** that! :evil:
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Exactly. Depending on how previews turn out, I'll give this a chance.

Well, Ultxon will be happy.

Yeah I am sure that he knew about this before us. If he didn't, then he will probably be jumping around his room when you tell him.

I will give this show a chance because I am interested in this character.
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

To the topic:

WTF!?! They'd rather do Moon Knight and not Daredevil?

**** that! :evil:
Well, DD doesn't have all the history cluster to have a TV ongoing series, either. :p

Kidding, of course. You know you'll still give it a look. :wink:
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Well, DD doesn't have all the history cluster to have a TV ongoing series, either. :p

Kidding, of course. You know you'll still give it a look. :wink:
Definitely. I'm not knocking Moon Knight. I just think Marvel always pisses away the oppurtunity to do good with Daredevil (e.g. videogames and television)
I have a feeling this will end up like Blade

I'd bet it will end up like Global Frequency. As in, it won't.

Too bad - it could be good if done right.
Moon Knight? Blech. Marvel need to slow down on the franchises and get back to making their comics good.
I'm looking forward to seeing how they address his multiple personalities.

That is what separates him from Batman. He's crazy dangerous.

How can they fix the Blade show? New cast, new writers, different production style.
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Definitely. I'm not knocking Moon Knight. I just think Marvel always pisses away the oppurtunity to do good with Daredevil (e.g. videogames and television)


I was really looking forward to that DD game for PS2 a few years ago. The videos and gameply for it looked pretty awesome. Too bad it never made it outta development.
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Blade had potential, remember that. But I have a feeling general viewers may see it as a Batman rip off. They need to be dramatically different and original
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Chuck Dixon used to write Moon Knight. One or two years later, he was on record for saying that "Moon Knight is essentially a costume without a character. He would have to stand on a stool to kiss Batman's butt."

He's never had any acrimonious incidents with Marvel nor has Marvel ever tried to pick a fight with him, but for some reason he hasn't written for Marvel ever since.

Unless you count the Marvel Knights book.

Although calling that writing is questionable.
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Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

Unless you count the Marvel Knights book.

Although calling that writing is questionable.

I'm reading that at the moment , I like Marvel knights Spider-man not sure on others in the series as i've not read them , but the Spider-man one so far is pretty damn cool
Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

I'm reading that at the moment , I like Marvel knights Spider-man not sure on others in the series as i've not read them , but the Spider-man one so far is pretty damn cool
I was referring to a book that was actually called Marvel Knights.

It was basically around during the early days of the Knights imprint, functioning as a sort of 'Marvel Team-Up' book that would bring guys like Daredevil and Punisher together in one story.