Moon Knight TV series discusion/speculation

Re: Moon Night tv series discusion/speculation

I was referring to a book that was actually called Marvel Knights.

It was basically around during the early days of the Knights imprint, functioning as a sort of 'Marvel Team-Up' book that would bring guys like Daredevil and Punisher together in one story.

Ahhh cool

Are any of the "team-up" type series good? Every time I hear someone mention them it's badly (I'm still going to buy Ultimate Team up though)
Ultimate Team-Up isn't too great, but it's good fun.

I know some people here quite liked Robert Kirkman's Marvel Team-Up.
The only thing I'm concerned about is moony's (Moon Knight, not moonmaster) costume. I'm of the opinion that Moon Knight has the most retarded super-hero costume of all time. And they can't really pull a Smallville with moony, because he got his powers later in life (at least I think so), whereas Supes has always had his powers and therefore did not need a costume for Smallville.

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