South Park series discussion *spoilers*

:lol: :lol: :lol: Just saw the new episode , It was brilliant I loved it. I even did the sad thing as I watching it online of pausing it during all the group shots and seeing which ones i could spot from gizmo to mario :lol: :oops:
Alot of classic characters getting killed!

I laughed my *** off

"***got out"
Alot of classic characters getting killed!

I laughed my *** off

"***got out"

I'm surprised how many they fit in, must of took a **** load of time to do that. I really can't wait find out who the bad imaginations are.
Although it said "A Trilogy" at the beginning of the episode, that was really only a Part 1 of 2, right?

This was way better than the crap episode, but not as brilliant as the Tourette's one. I hate myself for laughing at the whole terrorist attack sequence. I needs to see this again.

Although it said "A Trilogy" at the beginning of the episode, that was really only a Part 1 of 2, right?

This was way better than the crap episode, but not as brilliant as the Tourette's one. I hate myself for laughing at the whole terrorist attack sequence. I needs to see this again.


I don't know at the end they said next week the conclusion, I don't think they could stretch this a third episode

Also I found out the Couric in the crap episode is named after Katie Couric
I didn't find this episode funny.

It gets my goat when people reimagine characters for cheap shock value or as a waste. You only get one chance to "South Park"-ize a character and you should make as much out of it as you can. Lots of characters - Optimus Prime, Cheetarah, and so forth, were barely mentioned at all and it's a shame that creators don't respect the original material.

I mean - Orko had a D on his chest. Which makes him Dorko. Well done, Matt and Trey. Some people love Orko and you wasted him away on a gag.


In case of those who don't realise it - I am lampooning my own gibberish when I yell about Ultimate Shocker or whatever.

I loved "Imaginationland", 'twas so funny. Especially the Shyamanalamainaman and Bay scenes. And Cartman was brilliant.

I'm surprised that the world of imaginations was called Imagi-Nation, but then, who cares? The Imagination song was wonderificus!

It was all great. I'm so looking forward to part II!
Great episode.

Though I was slightly disappointed when I saw the episode after having read a brief description of it. I was hoping that the joke would be a satirical thing about being attacked by "imaginary" terrorists.

Seriously, that was ****ing hilarious. The critters are back, and I don't think I ever laughed so hard at a show as I did the Man-Bear-Pig part

Just watched it online , :lol: that was great and they are going to make it a trilogy Yay! Plus I loved the sea of storm troopers and Luke on the council
This might be the best episode ever.

I loved the Manbearpig and Woodland Critter Christmas parts. What great continuity.

Even that imagination song - which I have been humming ALL WEEK - wasn't a throwaway gag.

Anyone who thinks SOUTH PARK 'stopped being funny' is so incredibly wrong. This is up with the best it's ever done.