Wizard World Philly Diary '07.


My Invitational Tournament entry was never sent in by my Envoy and then I was 7 people from the cut off, yesterday morning. I was so ticked I didn't play any Clix yesterday.

Wonderful day I had yesterday lugging around that damn Fin Fang Foom.

I'll be in the Hero Clix area today, though. Gonna play in the Unrestricte4d Tournament being run the same time as the championship.

Not a good first experience at a Con for me. I was miserable all day.


But today should be better.
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Doom, what was his response?

Details to follow. :lol:

No but seriously---he basically said that he was having a conversation with another writer and they thought that the narrative boxes were becoming overused and gave away so much exposition that it made whatever conversation in the panel a moot point. So he thought he'd like to see a fun comic that gave you instant access to the characters' inner thoughts right then at the very moment.

He thought it'd be a great contrast to see these bigger than life heroes being courageous in the face of danger, but in their mind they're thinking "Oh **** me".

Oh yeah.....Alex Maleev wants to kick my *** now.
Details to follow. :lol:

No but seriously---he basically said that he was having a conversation with another writer and they thought that the narrative boxes were becoming overused and gave away so much exposition that it made whatever conversation in the panel a moot point. So he thought he'd like to see a fun comic that gave you instant access to the characters' inner thoughts right then at the very moment.

He thought it'd be a great contrast to see these bigger than life heroes being courageous in the face of danger, but in their mind they're thinking "Oh **** me".

Oh yeah.....Alex Maleev wants to kick my *** now.

Paper or plastic?

In San Diego.
While at the Mondo Marvel Panel, we talked to Joe Q. afterwards and he told us that since Maleev is on this health program, it requires him to work at a grocery store at least once a month. So Joey to the Q. asked us to ask him a job-related question. When the panel started, Maleev was really happy. Smiling, laughing, all that good stuff. Then Doom gets up during question time and goes, "So Mr. Maleev, Joe Q. told me to ask: Paper or plastic?" At that instant, Maleev lost all his happiness. He didn't even answer. Bendis answered for him. After that, Maleev just drew on his pad and was texting somebody. Right when the panel ended, dude left quick as hell.

On better news, I got Planetary Book 1.....FOR FREE! And some other TPBs.
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While at the Mondo Marvel Panel, we talked to Joe Q. afterwards and he told us that since Maleev is on this health program, it requires him to work at a grocery store at least once a month. So Joey to the Q. asked us to ask him a job-related question. When the panel started, Maleev was really happy. Smiling, laughing, all that good stuff. Then Doom gets up during question time and goes, "So Mr. Maleev, Joe Q. told me to ask: Paper or plastic?" At that instant, Maleev lost all his happiness. He didn't even answer. Bendis answered for him. After that, Maleev just drew on his pad and was texting somebody. Right when the panel ended, dude left quick as hell.

Health program?

@ Doom: :lol:

On better news, I got Planetary Book 1.....FOR FREE! And some other TPBs.

FINALLY! I've only been trying to get you to read that since the Eisenhower administration.
FINALLY! I've only been trying to get you to read that since the Eisenhower administration.
The guy at the booth gave it to me for free because it was damaged in the back. So I was like, "Score!". They only had Book 1, though. 3 copies of it.
While at the Mondo Marvel Panel, we talked to Joe Q. afterwards and he told us that since Maleev is on this health program, it requires him to work at a grocery store at least once a month. So Joey to the Q. asked us to ask him a job-related question. When the panel started, Maleev was really happy. Smiling, laughing, all that good stuff. Then Doom gets up during question time and goes, "So Mr. Maleev, Joe Q. told me to ask: Paper or plastic?" At that instant, Maleev lost all his happiness. He didn't even answer. Bendis answered for him. After that, Maleev just drew on his pad and was texting somebody. Right when the panel ended, dude left quick as hell.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
On better news, I got Planetary Book 1.....FOR FREE! And some other TPBs.

Planetary is the ****.

I just wish they'd finish it so that I can get the last trade.
"Bendis announced that he's renewed his exclusive with Marvel for the next few years and that the decision to do so was necessitated by his long-term commitment to the Skrull conspiracy storyline. The renewal announcement was met by massive cheering and an enthusiastic "I love you Bendis!" shouted from a gentleman in the crowd. Bendis loves him back, if you're curious."

I've heard Maleev is an ******* anyway, so his actions wouldn't surprise me.
I've heard Maleev is an ******* anyway, so his actions wouldn't surprise me.

I've talked to him on the Bendis board about total BS stuff...he is a complete and total *******.
Oh. Well now I don't feel so bad.

Doom's still a dick.

My flight gtes me back to STL at like 3pm. Expect my full review of Philly sometime tomorrow.
This past weekend was the best time I have ever had in my life. Everyone, from Seldes to Toggy, we just had such an awesome time. I don't think I've ever laughed so much. Everyone is better in person. The hijinks, the craziness...everything was just unbelieveable. Those who couldn't make it, you sure missed out on a lot. You might feel some of it in Chicago, but it won't be the same. Especially without...


Wherever there's C.B. Cebulski, there they are. Whenever someone interrupts yelling for Loners, there they are. Wherever they're just anywhere, there. They. Are. The Loners crew. In ur cons, spycen upp teh panels. 8)