Wizard World Philly Diary '07.

He may be asleep already. The VIP events start at 8 a.m. tomorrow, plus they were planning to get breakfast beforehand.

Give it try tomorrow.

And I'm sorry you're missing it, as I was hoping to finally meet you as well. I have books for you and the kids, but I guess I'll just mail them to you. However, I have to say it's been nice being able to put faces with names finally, and really, this is a pretty good bunch of people. (Even though I've been stood up twice by various forms of public transportation that I was supposed to pick people up from. But that's really not anyone's fault....)
Oh, and the catchphrase for this weekend is "San Diego". I'll let someone else fill you in on that one, as I'm going to sign off, read my new comic books, and get some sleep.

Its because everyone question to Joe Q was answered with "San Diego" as in "you'll find out at San Diego"
Its because everyone question to Joe Q was answered with "San Diego" as in "you'll find out at San Diego"

I noticed that in the Newsarama article. Uh, I mean at the convention. Because I'm totally there.
I met Bendis today, and even with the hate the guy gets, he's a REALLY cool guy in person. I'd totally hang out with him. And wait until you see the interview with Mack & Oeming. It's gonna be up on wizard's site (if it's not up already). Doom & myself will appear in it. And when you hear some yelling "I love you to Bendis," that'd be me. And also "I'll save you!", too. If that made it. I hope it did.
I was listening mostly for news of the Ultimate line, so for the three other people here who still actually read those books:

An Ultimate Origin mini was announced, which will supposedly tie in a lot of characters' backgrounds. More information here.

Bendis expects to be doing an Ultimate version of Spider-man's Amazing Friends shortly after the Death of a Goblin arc (for which we were assured "you'll never believe what happens" :wink: ). (Ice was jumping up and down with glee. Seriously, I thought he was hurt himself, or someone sitting near him....)

I also got my questions about Ultimate Morbius answered after the presentation (yes, Bendis has the character's background all worked out, and yes, he'll reappear in Ultimate Spider-Man at some point after the Amazing Friends arc). So I can go home a happy woman.

Ultimates3 is being drawn. (Direct quote.) More information will be released in San Diego. :roll:

Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine (or vice versa, I can't remember which) is still in the works, but the editors are waiting until all three remaining issues are turned in before proceeding.

According to Joe Quesada this afternoon, UIM 2 is in the works, and scripts for the various issues are being collected, with the Marvel editors waiting for all of the issues to be written before going any further.

There was, of course, a lot of non-Ultimate information released, but I'm sure others here at the site can explain that better than I can, because it mostly dealt with stuff I haven't read.

Between the three presentations, finding a lot of good reading material for really great prices (although I had to restrain myself from tackling Ultimate Houde and running off with his copy of Mouse Guard), and getting a good dinner afterway, it was a productive day.
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I was talking to Jim McCaan, Marvel's director of Marketing and saying it was great to meet him in person after talking to him from time to time on Millarworld. He asked me what my name was, I told him Luis. Then he goes, "Oh! You're Luis C? Hey man, it's really great to see you!"

He actually remembered who I was. Total geek mode I went into after he left. HUZZA!
So what are everyone's first impressions of each other?

I can't speak for everyone else...but I'm pretty sure everyone who met me has thought, "Heh...I thought he'd be bigger in person." But then again aside from Houde and Max...I'm bigger than the rest of these midgets. :p

I met Bendis today, and even with the hate the guy gets, he's a REALLY cool guy in person. I'd totally hang out with him. And wait until you see the interview with Mack & Oeming. It's gonna be up on wizard's site (if it's not up already). Doom & myself will appear in it. And when you hear some yelling "I love you to Bendis," that'd be me. And also "I'll save you!", too. If that made it. I hope it did.

You embarass us Ice.

Ok...Bendis is a LOT shorter in person. I can't type for long seeing as how me and Max are just hanging out drinking Jack. I can't drink too much seeing as how my stomach is full of sushi, sake, other alcohol, and some Jamaican Beef patties. Ugh.

Houde JUST walked in. He and everyone else was at Ice's hottub. Details to follow.

And now for my random comments....

For my first big con---it's pretty damn awesome. Ice cons like a ****ing pro. I mean he shows up with a suitcase of stuff for signing. Wow. And he's all about getting there early.....even though were just standing around.

You know what....I can't really concentrate right now. Once the trip is done I'll post more detailed review. In the meantime you'll have to deal with my teasers. Details to follow.

And for the record---The UC is TOTALLY representin' at the Q&A panels. While others ask fanboy questions....we're asking the hard hitting questions. Like Doom asking Bendis what he was thinking when he thought he could bring back the thought bubbles. Yeah....I asked him.
I would have screamed when he announced Ultimate Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends.
My tongue never touched the vicinity of TOG's earlobe.

It was a threat

A threat that worked.

And Max, don't touch my egg mcmuffin

Details too follow

In San Diego
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Next time, we should all think tank it and create 10 really good questions for the panel and whoever goes can ask them and see if they get answered.
I'm missing it. :(

I called Ice hoping to get to say hi to you guys but he didn't answer.

Kinda like how Charlie calls his Angels.

I noticed that in the Newsarama article. Uh, I mean at the convention. Because I'm totally there.

:lol: :lol:

And for the record---The UC is TOTALLY representin' at the Q&A panels. While others ask fanboy questions....we're asking the hard hitting questions. Like Doom asking Bendis what he was thinking when he thought he could bring back the thought bubbles. Yeah....I asked him.


I did.

WITH JOY!!!!!!!! :rockon:

I even asked him, "So what made you want to do this? Because you just made me one hell of a happy man." Exact. Words.

:rockon: :rockon:

Next time, we should all think tank it and create 10 really good questions for the panel and whoever goes can ask them and see if they get answered.

Good idea.