
Just saw the 3rd movie.

Dear Lord was that crap. I did laugh when Naruto rode the fat guy to victory in the end though. Otherwise, crap.:sick:
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First movie sucked. Hard. All I can really remeber was Kakashi having a contest with some guy to see who could summon a bigger giant whale. It was the stupidest thing ever.

Second, it was ok. Mostly only because it had Gaara ripping people's faces off. Or at least, it should have.

Third movie was a joke. That little kid pissed me off so much...I just wanted someone to kick his knee in sideways. That'd teach the little runt.
Dear Lord was that crap. I did laugh when Naruto rode the fat guy to victory in the end though. Otherwise, crap.:sick:
I. must. see. this.
The 3rd Naruto movie, the first one is going to be released in the US soon.

Yeah I saw a comercial saying it was going to be in limitted theater and I was pissed, why wasnt the FMA movie in theater?
Well, here we go guys, I've decided Im going to start watching the entire series over again from episode 1. Lets see how long it takes :p.
Looks like your theory was partially wrong, Houde...

Orochimaru is still alive, but inside Kabuto, not Sasuke. I actually like where things are going...for the first time since arc II started.