Funniest episode this season. I knew that it was going to be a 24 parody at the beginning and when the clock thing showed up and Cartman started saying "THE FOLLOWING TAKES PLACE BETWEEN..." I could not stop laughing.
The whole thing was great. South Park can be really great when they're working on one broad, funny concept, but episodes like this - where they pack in so many hilarious ideas - are the true gems.
I think I've said "THERE'S A SNUKE IN YOUR SNIZ!" about 20 times since I saw the episode.
I know it is not the correct term but i think most say Muslim refuring to all people from Arab countries TwilightEL.
You know that the largest and most concentrated population of Muslims in the world is in Indonesia, right? I think it's funny that most people think that all Muslims are Middle Eastern.
Ugh. You people. I was born and raised Muslim (though I personally don't believe in Islam) and I have no problems when people claim that all of us are Terrorists. It's a reasonable fear, albeit an ignorant one.
Although this is the wrong thread for this discussion.
I'm the Muslim around here! You can't steal my schtick! How many muslims use yiddish?! HUH? HUH?
Gorram it.
Also, I completely understand the muslim-terrorist thing. When you meet/see someone of a different ethnicity and one which you are not accustomed to your mind fills up with all the stereotypes of that ethnicity. It's a very natural response. I see a black guy and I can't help but think of every single nigger joke ever (I don't mean, "What type of people should die?" "Niggers." nigger jokes, I mean the thing like the Niggar Family on David Chappelle or the N*GGERS gag on this season of South Park, or even Chris Rock - that kind of thing is what I mean, the race-humour of the african-american community). That's fine - it's a problem when it leaves your head. Seeing an arab and thinking terrorist is one thing - suspiciously eyeing him, making him feel uncomfortable, and treating him as if he were a terrorist is prejudicial and wrong. But that's not what SSJmole was doing, so it's fine with me.
My only problem is that a lot of radicalism can be traced back to the ostracizing that some Muslims get. I was watching a special on CNN a while ago about why radicalism is rising among many young British Muslims. Most of them say it's because of two things:
1. Simple poverty (Essentially the same reason why young people gravitate towards gangs when they grow up in poor neighborhoods). And,
2. An "If everyone is going to think of us as terrorists, we might as well just be what they want us to be" attitude. It's the fear of usually innocent young Muslims that makes them feel angry and isolated. It's exactly what terrorist groups want.
I've been saying this for a while now: The "War on Terror" is bull****. Terror can't be fought with guns and bombs, at least not effectively. It's a struggle of ideas, and it can't be won without new and fresh ones. But sadly, most of the world is at a loss in that department.
Also - did anyone think that the 'oldest enemy of America' ever was going to be either the Native Americans or... THE CRAB-PEOPLE!!!!!!!
I did.
I made Crab People a running joke in my Biology class for like, two weeks. I would sing the Crab People song and draw them on the board.
"How does evolution explain homologous anatomy?"
"Which type of plant vascular tissue stores water, the Xylem or the Phloem?"
"How long has the Holocene Extinction Era been affecting Earth?"
I guessed it was coming as soon as the Russians started talking about their oldest enemy, but I wasn't sure until they said it wasn't the Germans. After all, Germans mercenaries called Hessians fought America in the Revolutionary War. If you really wanna go far back, the French-Indian (or is it French and Indian?) War was the first time colonists really fought in a war, even though it wasn't as Americans, so I guess you could argue that American Indians and the French are white American's earliest enemies.
Technically the earliest enemy of America would be Christopher Columbus.