Proof against Bendis' Creativity


Ice that's just ........ just....... wrong on so many levels

This is what happens when you screw with characters that need not be screwed with. How horrible.

I'd be interested in knowing what people who liked the MJ transformation think of this ^.
"Beware: It's Assistant Editor's Month! Don't Say We Didn't Warn You."


I hope those assistant editors are locked in a basement and left for Moonie- The Butt Viking!
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I think the problem with MJ's transformation has to be that since the Ultimate Universe is young and usually seems to be aiming to correct the crap of the 616, things like that shouldn't happen.

Besides, that Aunt May thing has to be a dream or something. It just has to be. Just look at the text on the cover.
I think the problem with MJ's transformation has to be that since the Ultimate Universe is young and usually seems to be aiming to correct the crap of the 616, things like that shouldn't happen.
Precisely my view of the situation.

It just doesn't have a place in USM, where there is a clearer distinction between the more outrageous elements of Peter's life as Spidey, and the more soap operatic, down-to-earth, inter-personal aspects of the book.

Now it just feels more like Smallville, where even the ordinary characters are not immune to getting wrapped up in the more fantastic elements. It's just bunk.

There's nothing *fundamentally* wrong with the idea; if something similar happened in Invincible, I might have been more forgiving -- but it just doesn't belong in USM.

Besides, that Aunt May thing has to be a dream or something. It just has to be. Just look at the text on the cover.
Nope. It's legit continuity. Franklin Richards' reality-warping powers caused Aunt May to be empowered by the Power Cosmic, turning her into the "Golden Oldie", Herald of Galactus. No, really.
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"Not a hoax!

Not a What If?!

Not an Imaginary story"?

"What's going on here? This is supposed to be my comic!"

"Beware: It's assistant editors' month! Don't say we didn't warn you!"

And the "not a" thing is stolen from that early issue of X-Men where Xavier dies. "Not a hoax! Not a dream! Not an imaginary tale!" The dream part was changed. Hence, suggestion that it's a dream.
isn't it Yiddish?

also saying that the book is crap on the cover doesn't make it any less crap.

it's kind of like that USM that has a bendis drawing before it basically saying "this story sucks". I guess the thinking is that if you acknowledge the suck then people will forgive you for wasting their time and money.
Ultimate Hulk Vs Wolverine
I'm confused as to why he even considered it... That's like saying a movie is the best movie of the year after only seeing the first third of it.

Then again, he almost definitely knows exactly how it turns out. But I think I remember the script isn't finished yet, so it's judging a story and not the way it's written, which is really kind of dumb. While a good story is needed for a good piece of written work, the quality of the actual writing plays a huge impact.

Bah, dunno what I'm talking about.

You know, I'm getting the impression that UC is the only place on the net that hates Ultimate Clone Saga. It's because this place is special. <3 USM bashing is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
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Precisely my view of the situation.

It just doesn't have a place in USM, where there is a clearer distinction between the more outrageous elements of Peter's life as Spidey, and the more soap operatic, down-to-earth, inter-personal aspects of the book.

Now it just feels more like Smallville, where even the ordinary characters are not immune to getting wrapped up in the more fantastic elements. It's just bunk.

There's nothing *fundamentally* wrong with the idea; if something similar happened in Invincible, I might have been more forgiving -- but it just doesn't belong in USM.

Nope. It's legit continuity. Franklin Richards' reality-warping powers caused Aunt May to be empowered by the Power Cosmic, turning her into the "Golden Oldie", Herald of Galactus. No, really.

Wrong. At the end of the issue it's revealed to be a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream.
You know, I'm getting the impression that UC is the only place on the net that hates Ultimate Clone Saga. It's because this place is special. <3 USM bashing is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

-We're all hateful people by nature.

-It's crap

-We wear those sunglasses from "They Live" and see it's really garbage.

-The only difference between Ultimate Clone Saga and a bucket of the bucket.

-We hate Bendis no matter what he wrote

-We hate Bendis no matter what he wrote, even though he's done better (Powers, Early USM, and Daredevil spring to mind).

- It's Crap

Pick one.
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Eh, I actually like the saga so far, I just hate MJ goblin and think it could be better.

That's my assesment too. I like the clone story, but MJGoblin was just. . .well, I don't think I've ever had an aftertaste in mouth after reading a comic until USM 101.
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