Proof against Bendis' Creativity

*sweat*.......uuuuhhh dont ya know sarcasm when ya hear it?

jejejeje O.O;;;;

but really i dont see the big deal...woual it have been better if the Oz serum was like it 616 version?
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*sweat*.......uuuuhhh dont ya know sarcasm when ya hear it?

jejejeje O.O;;;;

but really i dont see the big deal...woual it have been better if the Oz serum was like it 616 version?

It would have been better if he didn't ****ed up MJ.
I'm so mad, there are tons of books that I want to get 'cause of the characters, but I just can't stand Bendis writting. I wonder if I'm gonna get the Mighty Avengers at all. =/
It would have been better if MJ would have stayed being the only normal person in USM.
It seems to me that Bendis hasn't put any real effort into revamping Spider-Man's B-list villains, compared to say the way Bruce Timm revamped B list bat rogues like Mr. Freeze and Mad Hatter in BTAS, making them into more sympathetic characters. Most the B-list villains have stayed the same (how is Ultimate Electro really different from 616 Electro) turning other villains into thugs, jokes or throw away characters. I have seen no effort to improve Spider-Man's B-list villains.
It seems to me that Bendis hasn't put any real effort into revamping Spider-Man's B-list villains, compared to say the way Bruce Timm revamped B list bat rogues like Mr. Freeze and Mad Hatter in BTAS, making them into more sympathetic characters. Most the B-list villains have stayed the same (how is Ultimate Electro really different from 616 Electro) turning other villains into thugs, jokes or throw away characters. I have seen no effort to improve Spider-Man's B-list villains.

I agree with this. I mean Timm and dini made even CLock King cool.Yet BMB having the chance remake the Spider-man mythos from cracth and he waste it by uh from the top of my head turning Shocker into a joke...and even made Omega FlippingRed into a throw away villian.,

at the very least Ultimate Electros costume is cooler than his 616 kin.
I agree with this. I mean Timm and dini made even CLock King cool.Yet BMB having the chance remake the Spider-man mythos from cracth and he waste it by uh from the top of my head turning Shocker into a joke...and even made Omega FlippingRed into a throw away villian.,

at the very least Ultimate Electros costume is cooler than his 616 kin.

I like the starfish mask, its so silly, its so silly its cool. :D Let's face it Max Dillion is an idiot, so of course he would wear something silly in the 616 universe. The starfish mask may not have worked in the 616 universe, but I think its fine in the 616 universe.

But still besides the diffreent costume and different origin for their powers, how are 616 Electro and Ultimate Electro any different? Their both the same dumb thug in both universe. Now I guess you can't have a smart Electro, because he would make billions legitimately, rather than go into crime, but this they could do something to make the two versions of Electro different from eachther, character-wise.

Anyway I don't have a problem with making Shocker a joke, but I can see how others would take offensive. That may be cute and funny, but making Shocker a joke is not really creative, making a character into a joke is easy, but making them into a interesting or complex character, that takes true creativity. So turing Shocker into a joke was not creative, despite what some would say.

As mentioned Bruce Timm turned goobers like Clock King into real threats, so there is no reason why Bendis shouldn't be able to do the same. There tons of lame villains who could be remade into real threats in the USM. Let's take someone really lame, like the Trapster. In the 616 universe, Trapster makes no sense, he invented a super adhesive and used it for crime, instead of making billions legitimately. But in the UU, he could have another gimmick, instead of using glue, he would be an expert with death traps, a cool and in control sadist who lures his victims to an area where he was total control of the enviroment (Marvel's answer to the jigsaw Killer).

The fact that Bendis hasn't bothered to make any villains besides Hobgoblin (which was a botched storyline) into sympathetic characters is disappointing. Take Sandman for example, why does he have to be a dumb thug, Electro already has that role, why can't he be a sympathetic character, instead of having a personality that is interchangable with Electro's. I think they should retcon Sandman into a sympathetic character. I still haven't seen an USM revamp that was as good as Mr. Freeze's revamp in BTAS. Almost all the villains in USM are thugs and psychos, time for some more variety.