Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined)

Thank goodness the show has become interesting again.

1) Starbuck - Whoa, quite the mind game with the little girl, eh?

2) Apollo - His fat suit is awful, especially the cheeks. Anyway, I was looking forward to Starbuck razzing him about his new size, but she's probably got her own problems for now.

3) Hera - I had thought this was going to be a trouble-making plotline with Xena-Cylon putting it in Boomer's head that Adama lied about Hera dying in childbirth, but now... ? Sure, it'll make for something interesting down the road, but Rosalyn knows the kid didn't get rescued so Adama and Rosalyn are bound to just keep lying about it.

4) Baltar - OK, someone help me out here. Sure, WE all know that he's a spineless worm greatly responsible for the Cylon's successful first assault, but why are the humans suddenly all hating him on New Caprica? Do they expect him to stand up to the Cylons and just heroically get killed? I can see the humans losing respect for him, but I'm not so sure I see why some of them HATE him now.

5) Tigh - He's one tough dude. He did what he had to though.

6) Pegasus - So I guess the writers got tired of playing with us and tweaking 70's Battlestar Galactica canon and decided to get the show focussed back on the show's title character?

7) The Fleet - Before, we had Cylon sympathizers in the Fleet. I suspect they'll be few and far between now.

8 ) The Skin-Jobs - Can there be any of these left in the fleet now? Doesn't every single human know what every single skin-job looks like after the occupation? We've lost a little mystery/paranoia there it seems.

9) The Marriages - Sure, it was fun to jump ahead in time and marry up some characters, but now we've lost the romantic tension in the show. Who's a swinging single now that we might be interested in? More importantly, where are we going to get any strange love triangles now?
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I agree with a lot of your points, Jack. It looks as if our show is getting back to it's roots.

I so loved watching Pegasus barrel into the Base Star. Reminded me of the first time it was done in the 70's.

Which is what I love about this show - finding the "re-made" episodes and story arcs that have been modernized from the '70's kitch.

Picked up "Sagittarius is Bleeding" novel last night. Will et all y'all know about it when I'm done in a week or 2 (don't have much time to read). Looks to take place before Hera's birth as Roslin is on her cancer kick in it.
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Which is what I love about this show - finding the "re-made" episodes and story arcs that have been modernized from the '70's kitch.

What's left now though? There was that godlike satanic guy. Will they re-use that idea? They discovered a place they thought was Earth and it was actually a world called Terra. That doesn't seem worth re-telling. Of course, they discovered Earth and shifted into that awful Galactica 1980 show. Surely they'll avoid that mess. Mmmmmm, the gun at Ice Station Zero... <shrug> I don't remember anything else. Do you?
warren ellis said:
I'll watch BATTLESTAR GALACTICA again once I get a written guarantee that Baltar will stop ****ing crying.

Now to actualy contribute. I never watched the original Galactica but I have been watching this one. I'm not sure what it is about the show but it seems... off. Maybe its the weird timelines, or the feeling that they're never going to actually get anywhere but it just all bugs me. Still, its the only TV show I watch every week (mainly thanks to On Demand) so it must be doing something right.

Oh, does it bother either of you that they're using Greek names for all the gods except Zeus/Jupiter? I mean I know why with the whole planet connection and all but I wish they'd have gone with a consistent pantheon name set.
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Oh, does it bother either of you that they're using Greek names for all the gods except Zeus/Jupiter? I mean I know why with the whole planet connection and all but I wish they'd have gone with a consistent pantheon name set.

Maybe they DO have a consistent set of names and WE mixed them up when we set up this 13th colony. :)
Here's the updated Battlestar Galactica timeline. The episodes and webisodes are in bold, the novels underlined, and the comics in italics. Anything marked with "**" is unreleased or unaired, so its placement is tentative.


Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War #1 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War #2 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War #3 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: The Cylon War #4 (?? Years Before) **

Battlestar Galactica: The Cylons' Secret (52-20 Years Before)

Battlestar Galactica: Zarek #1 (52-30 Years Before)
Battlestar Galactica: Zarek #2 (30-20 Years Before)
Battlestar Galactica: Zarek #3 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Zarek #4 (?? Years Before) **

Battlestar Galactica: Year One #0 (1 Year Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #1 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #2 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #3 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #4 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #5 (?? Years Before) **
Battlestar Galactica: Year One #6 (?? Years Before) **

Battlestar Galactica: The Series (Days 0-2)
Battlestar Galactica: The Mini-Series, Part I (Days 0-2)
Battlestar Galactica: The Mini-Series, Part II (Day 2)

33 (Days 6-7)
Water (Days 10-11)
Bastille Day (Day 12)
Act of Contrition (Days 14-15)
You Can't Go Home Again (Days 15-17)
Litmus (Day 17)
Six Degrees of Separation (Day 24)
Flesh and Bone (Day 25)
Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down (Days 28-29)
The Hand of God (Days 36-38)
Colonial Day (Days 46-49)
Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part I (Days 50-51)
Kobol's Last Gleaming, Part II (Day 51)

Scattered (Day 51)
Valley of Darkness (Day 51)
Fragged (Day 51)
Resistance (Days 52-54)
The Farm (Days 61-62)
Home, Part I (Days 62-64)
Home, Part II (Days 64-65)
Final Cut (Days 75-76)
Flight of the Phoenix (Days 85-94)
Battlestar Galactica #0 (Day 100)
Battlestar Galactica #1 (Day 100)
Battlestar Galactica #2 (Day 101)
Battlestar Galactica #3 (Day 101)
Battlestar Galactica #4 (Day 101)
Battlestar Galactica #5 (Day 101)
Battlestar Galactica #6 **
Battlestar Galactica #7 **
Battlestar Galactica #8 **
Battlestar Galactica #9 **
Battlestar Galactica #10 **
Battlestar Galactica #11 **
Battlestar Galactica #12 **
Battlestar Galactica: Unity **
Battlestar Galactica: Pegasus (Days ??) **
Pegasus (Days 174-175)
Resurrection Ship, Part I (Days 175-177)
Resurrection Ship, Part II (Days 177-178)
Epiphanies (Days 189-191)
Black Market (Days 193-195)
Battlestar Galactica: Sagittarius Is Bleeding (Days 197-202)
Scar (Days 230-234)
Sacrifice (Days 237-238)
The Captain's Hand (Days 262-263)
Downloaded (Days 0-271)
Lay Down Your Burdens, Part I (Days 272-280)
Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II (Days 280-660)

Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 1 (Day 727)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 2 (Day 728)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 3 (Days 728-729)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 4 (Day 729)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 5 (Day 729)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 6 (Day 732)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 7 (Day 733)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 8 (Day 733)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 9 (Day 733)
Battlestar Galactica: The Resistance - Webisode 10 (Day 734)

Occupation (Days 794-795)
Precipice (Days 795-796)
Exodus, Part I (Days 796-797)
Exodus, Part II (Days 797-798)
Collaborators (Day 800)
Torn (Days 850-851)
A Measure of Salvation (Days 851-852)
Hero (Days 935-938)
Unfinished Business (Days 420-950)
The Passage (Days 961-964)
The Eye of Jupiter (Days 978-979)
Rapture (Day 979)
Taking A Break From All Your Worries (Days 994-995)
The Woman King (Days 1,007-1,009)
A Day in the Life (Day 1,027)
Dirty Hands (Days ??) **
Maelstrom (Days ??) **
The Son Also Rises (Days ??) **
Crossroads, Part I (Days ??) **
Crossroads, Part II (Days ??) **
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I watched this show. I loved the first season. The rest has been BALLS. It gives me the Rage. It's just turned into a ****ty soap opera. Fah, I say.

Great music though!

And Baltar's still cool.
I watched this show. I loved the first season. The rest has been BALLS. It gives me the Rage. It's just turned into a ****ty soap opera. Fah, I say.

Great music though!

And Baltar's still cool.

Yeah, I tried to get into it, but after the first season, I couldn't. Then, I heard they wanted to make a prequel series called "Caprica", which would basically be a sci-fi family drama. When I heard that, I lost all interest.

If only they'd bring back Firefly. Or hell, even the animated Star Trek show I heard about. These new sci-fi shows just aren't doing it for me.
Well, the show has been picked up for another full season. I don't actually watch the show, but my brother does. I'll only catch it if I'm in my living room on my computer and my brother has the show on.
Yeah, I tried to get into it, but after the first season, I couldn't. Then, I heard they wanted to make a prequel series called "Caprica", which would basically be a sci-fi family drama. When I heard that, I lost all interest.

If only they'd bring back Firefly. Or hell, even the animated Star Trek show I heard about. These new sci-fi shows just aren't doing it for me.

See, I think the Cylons plan is to recreate Firefly and the entire fourth season will just be Firefly.

I fail to see the flaw in such a scheme.

I want more Firefly. :(
Everyone wants more Firefly, I have introduced so many people to that work of art, it's ridiculous

No worries Bass, once I make Blairwood into a cartoon, a very sucussful one, I plan to bring back Firefly
I watched this show. I loved the first season. The rest has been BALLS. It gives me the Rage. It's just turned into a ****ty soap opera. Fah, I say.

Do agree on those points. But I'm a dirty boy, so a little soap does me good.

Besides, it still manages to tell compelling and somewhat meaningful stories, which is more than can be said for 99% of the rest of television programming anywhere in the world.

Great music though!

Yeah, Bear's the man.

And Baltar's still cool.

You think so? He's pretty much turned into a big, whiny ***** the whole 3rd season.

See, I think the Cylons plan is to recreate Firefly and the entire fourth season will just be Firefly.

I fail to see the flaw in such a scheme.

I want more Firefly. :(

I agree about wanting more Firefly. I sat down and did a watch through of the entire season, and then the Serenity movie.

I hate FOX.
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I duuno - it's hard to beat the music to "The Message".

As for the special effects - the guys who did Firefly do BSG. Serenity can be seen in the BSG pilot. :D
OK - I'm back in the swing of BSG. The comic is "MEH?" and a little hard to follow. The trade paperbacks have been OK.

The show still rules. I thought it did a bit of shark jumping last season, as well. Especially the Season finale. But's it's recovered nicely. Still better than LOST.

Just cos a show has drama amnd is serialized don't make it a soap opera. Y'all ain't calling LOST or Heroes a soap.

And they were only picked up for 13 episodes next season.
I duuno - it's hard to beat the music to "The Message".

Fair enough, but in terms of opening themes, the twangy, country-inspired tune of Firefly gets trumped by the orchestrated genius of McCreary.

As for the special effects - the guys who did Firefly do BSG. Serenity can be seen in the BSG pilot. :D

Yes, I'm aware that Zoic did the effects for both. I was just saying that they've obviously improved since then...the Firefly effects were great, especially for a TV show, but Battlestar even goes beyond that. Course, its been 5 years since Firefly, so there you go.

OK - I'm back in the swing of BSG. The comic is "MEH?" and a little hard to follow. The trade paperbacks have been OK.

The show still rules. I thought it did a bit of shark jumping last season, as well. Especially the Season finale. But's it's recovered nicely. Still better than LOST.

Just cos a show has drama amnd is serialized don't make it a soap opera. Y'all ain't calling LOST or Heroes a soap.

And they were only picked up for 13 episodes next season.

Wait, only 13 episodes to find Earth? They best start lookin' hard.