Ultimatum series discussion [spoilers]

I laughed and said "What a train wreck!"

To which he replied, "Yeah, I know. The story has been good, I just wish they could release it on time!"

I KNOW you're lying!!

He would have said, "I just wish they could release it on time, EH!"

Then he would have adjusted his touque, flipped his back bacon, and downed his Molson.

(I'm Canadian too - that's what my LCS owner does. But I'm on the east coast, so we hate Molson... its too 'fancy'. We drink Keith's cut with moose urine.)
Anyway Linkara was doing a review of Countdown, a series that sounds almost as bad Ultimatum and was counting down 15 worst moments of this event.


At number 9, he described one of the problems is all the pointless killing that happened in that series and I was reminded of Ultimatum. Linkara went to described how one should kill a character and how one shouldn't kill a character and Loeb always killed characters the wrong way! He never killed a character the right way.
Heh. So I showed my friend that cover and her immediate response was "That girl looks like a condom".
I look at it as a national trait - Ironically, its a symptom of the security of knowing we're better than everyone else.

or at least b/c we don't feel so insecure that we need to put other people down to make ourselves feel good.

Because there's nothing lower than a Canadian for you to make fun of.

yeah, just like that.
They are going to have a UU panel right?

I was wondering the same thing since I noticed all of the solicits on marvel.com for the upcoming Ultimate titles seem to have changed from Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Spider-Man to Ultimate Comics Avengers and Ultimate Comics Spider-Man.
Ya!! by this time tomorrow Loeb's nightmare will be over. E make sure you gathered all the supplies you need for the big bonfire. So we can burn all the issues and forget this whole thing ever happened.
Ya!! by this time tomorrow Loeb's nightmare will be over. E make sure you gathered all the supplies you need for the big bonfire. So we can burn all the issues and forget this whole thing ever happened.

don't say that, thats like saying two more pitches and we have a perfect game, you can't jinx us all like that...get your head in the game
don't say that, thats like saying two more pitches and we have a perfect game, you can't jinx us all like that...get your head in the game

Hey Mark Buehrle of the Chicago White Sox asked his teamates if they thought he was going to pitch a perfect game the inning before he did it and well... he still did it.
ok, so that analogy doesnt work right now, but the thought is the same

True... but at this point the post office would have to make the screw up for it to be delayed now. This weeks issues should be arriving at my local shop in about three hours.
i never thought about it like that...

Ding-dong the Loeb is done
Which old Loeb? The wicked Loeb!
Ding-dong the wicked Loeb is done
Wake up you sleepyhead
Rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up the wicked Loeb is done
He's gone where the goblins go,
Below - Below - Below
Yo-ho, let's open up and sing and ring the bells out.
Ding Dong's the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low
Let them know the Wicked Loeb is done!
why are you guys forgetting the ultimates 4 yet to come?

I was hoping that Marvel would see all the "I Hate Loeb" mail and "I Hate Loeb" threads at all the comic forums and tell him that he can never, ever do anything invalving The Ultimate, Zombie, Ape, Supreme and maybe Marvel Universe again. Marvel Adventures Universe, he can do.... Ok, anything but Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man I read that.

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