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Don't take my frustrations personally.

I'm dealing with some irl tragedy right now and I've been trying to avoid the Internet for the most part.
Certain things do trigger me and it's fake theories. It's just a pet peeve, nothing I hold against you.

Hope you understand.
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It's an interesting hypothesis on the nature of the multiverse. Personally I like it, though we'll have to see if it holds any weight by the time The Flash releases.
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Pro Bot
My theory is that Keaton is actually a Flashpoint variant that was created in the DCEU Flashpoint like how Grifter from WildStorm was in the original comic, since he seems to be an anomaly and I doubt that the Burtonverse is so similar to the DCEU, though it's possible. It just makes sense to me that this is an alternate timeline for Earth-1 that's somewhat merged elements of other realities. Could be wrong though.
Pro Bot
Pro Bot
Barry believes he created the Flashpoint Universe as well, yet we know that Keaton existed before on Earth-89 so that can't be true.

Also, I wonder if the George Clooney/Nicholas Cage timeline is Earth-97 or an alternate timeline to Earth-89.
Hey dude. I apologize for my rudeness earlier. I wasn't joking when I said I got a lot going on right now in my personal life...
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Pro Bot
Pro Bot
It's okay man. I don't hold it against you.
Myths & Fables/Dark Legends exclusive stories Scans will be ready in like 2-3 days. Sorry it took so long.
It is a nice timeline for the DC Multiverse and Arrowverse if possible would you please upload pictures of the comics, graphic novels, novels, and companions so people could what they look if they with to buy them Ie me
Umm... if you are looking for the creator of the timeline, you are looking for Pro Bot, but also, i'm a little bit intrigued on your version of the timeline, also, i wanna let you know that i've also made a "Multiversal" timeline but for the MCU (or MCM, Marvel Cinematic Multiverse) in my natal language, so if you wanna see my timeline also you could answer and i will share a dubbed version of it to you
Someone on twitter messaged me about their issue with accessing the site. They can't register nor login.

"Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. Many error details may be in the browser console."

"Error 1020 - This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks."

It's been like this since August. They can't login with their phone or their PC.

Any way you can help?
Hey, I'm pretty sure nobody hates you. You might have annoyed one or two people, but you can learn to do better. Your actions make more sense now that I know that you're thirteen.

Would you like some advice on forum etiquette?
It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you, without a witty post to step to s-step to s-step to.
heh. No worries. Ithaca huh? I have some family out that way. Yeah man looks like you have lived all over the place. Very cool. We haven't been up to Canada in a while. Well, since they made the whole "id/passport required" change anyway. I'd hate to end up in gitmo cuz I wanted to catch the "Canadian ballet" and grab some duty free beer. :D
haha, i totally forgot I posted this or why I posted it. I had to go into your "About Me" info to figure out why I would ask you that. But you live across the lake from me. That's why. Okay. Cool. I used to live in Ithaca, New York (I know).