Your 5 favorite films of 2006 -- Update as you go.

* coughcoughitsaspikeleefilmwe'reluckyitwasaswellconstructedasitwascoughcough*

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1st X-Men III
2nd V for Vendetta
3rd cars
4th ant bully
5th Garfield 2
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Baxter said:
...X-Men III just wasn't that good.

yes but when you have only seen those 5 movies this year you tend to be a little less picky on order LOL plus X-men was great.

Movies i wanna see this year

Garfield 2
My Super Ex Girlfriend
Rocky Balboa
Pirates of the carabien 2 (will get on dvd)
Baxter said:
...X-Men III just wasn't that good.
Yeah, it wasn't.

Of movies I can remember seeing in the theater this year:

5. The Hills Have Eyes D
4. X-Men 3 C-
3. V for Vendetta B
2. Lady in the Water B+
1. Superman Returns A
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From Best to Worst:
1. Superman Returns
2. The Ringer
3. X-Men 3
4. MI3
5. Scary Movie 4*

*Those are the only movies I've seen this year, therefore by a technicallity SM4 is on the list.
The only movie I've seen this year that I want to see again is Clerks 2. The rest were meh.

1. Clerks 2 A
2. Pirates of the Carribean C
3. V for Vendetta C
4. Superman Returns C
5. Mission Impossible 3 D
1. Clerks II - Funniest Movie I've seen all year (10/10)
2. Little Miss Sunshine - Most Moving Film I've seen all year, definitely Oscar-Worthy (10/10)
3. Snakes on a Plane - Most Entertaining Film I've seen all year (10/10)
4. The Devil Wears Prada - (9/10) - Anne Hathaway wins me over in this film... And Meryl Streyp might get an Oscar nod out of her portrayal of the Editor of Runway (aka - Fictional Vogue)
5. Pirates of the Carribean 2 - (9/10) - Great Fantasy-Action. Very Excited for the sequel and more Geoffry Rush
6. Monster House - (8/10) - Only loses points for not being directed at my age group, and thus loses some of the enjoyment factor. This is the best animated film of the year. Hands Down.
7. Superman Returns - (8/10) - A truly wonderful film, albeit I hope for a little more out of the sequel
8. Over the Hedge - (7/10) - Some of the jokes fall flat, but this is a damn funny movie with a lot of heart and Bruce Willis playing the Batman of the Raccoon world
9. Thank You For Smoking - (7/10) - Funny as hell.
10. Cars - (6/10) - Formulaic, but well handled.
11. X-Men: The Last Stand - (6/10) - Entertaining but without much heart.
12. V For Vendetta - (6/10) - It can't top the book. It's too close to it to work as a separate piece of art, and too different not to bug the **** out of me. It fails to get across the same message, and is outdone in every aspect by the comic.
13. Art School Confidential - (5/10) - It's good, but not Spectacular by any means. It's funnier than Ghost World, and has a better, and more coherent plot. But those things don't make up for the heart the film lacks.
14. The Da Vinci Code - (4/10) - Boring. Its a good book, but the movie is just long and boring.

Movies I Plan on seeing (Ranked from most excited to least):
- Dreamgirls
- Casino Royale
- Hollywoodland
- All The King's Men
- Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny
- Happy Feet (I love kids movies. Shut up)
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Beerfest

It's a good year for movies.

Last year most of the best movies were glazed over and missed entirely... For instance: Everyone should be required to go see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Rent it, its fantastic.
Haven't seen all that many new films in 2006, so this is for the last 12 months.

1: United 93
A very sensitive, thoughtful, but harrowing, horrifiying experience. It even feels a bit cheap to call it a movie. I was absolutely blown away by this, I'm so glad it wasn't made into some cloying, sentimental piece of US propaganda, like Nicholas Cages upcoming 9/11 movie looks to be.

2: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Tightly written, perfectly acted, hilariously witty and charming, with constant in-jokes and winks to it's own fairly contrived story. Downey narrating it is hilarious.

3: A Scanner Darkly
Actually, I've only seen the first 25 minutes, but it's very impressive. Not just for it's obviously unique visual style, but for it's subject matter (Phillips K Dick is always worth a read) and cast. Hell, even Keanu's not bad in it.

That's about it really. I can't think of any more really good movies I saw that could be added to those. Cinemas a bit crap this year.
Dr.Strangefate said:
9. Thank You For Smoking - (7/10) - Funny as hell.

Aside from me and the ex-wife, you are literally the only other person I know that has seen this. We were the ONLY people in the theater.

And damned if I didn't agree with 99.99% of the things he said. Katie Holmes in this film almost makes up for **** work she did in Batman.

Dr.Strangefate said:
Movies I Plan on seeing (Ranked from most excited to least):
- Dreamgirls
- Casino Royale
- Hollywoodland
- All The King's Men
- Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny
- Happy Feet (I love kids movies. Shut up)
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- Beerfest

I'm with you on all those..............except for Happy Feet.

Dreamgirls - The wife made me go see Dreamgirls live and I love the characters Eddie Murphy and Jamie Fox are gonna play.

Casino Royale - It's BOND *****es!!!!! Young or old........blonde or's BOND!!!

Hollywoodland - I'm most anxious about this film the most. I'm hoping that this'll be my Oscar-winning baby.

All the King's Men - Anything with Sean Penn is money. Yeah.....even I Am Sam.

The D - :shock:. Seriously. I saw the preview and slmost came on the spot. The D!!!!!!!!

Pursuit of Happiness - Huge Will Smith fan. Like him before with all the cheese.....but him as Ali made him a bonafide actor to me. I'll see anything he'll put out in theaters...............including Men In Black 57.


Dr.Strangefate said:
Everyone should be required to go see Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Rent it, its fantastic.

Seriously. :rockon:
Victor Von Doom said:
Aside from me and the ex-wife, you are literally the only other person I know that has seen this. We were the ONLY people in the theater.

And damned if I didn't agree with 99.99% of the things he said. Katie Holmes in this film almost makes up for **** work she did in Batman.

I'm with you on all those..............except for Happy Feet.

Dreamgirls - The wife made me go see Dreamgirls live and I love the characters Eddie Murphy and Jamie Fox are gonna play.

Casino Royale - It's BOND *****es!!!!! Young or old........blonde or's BOND!!!

Hollywoodland - I'm most anxious about this film the most. I'm hoping that this'll be my Oscar-winning baby.

All the King's Men - Anything with Sean Penn is money. Yeah.....even I Am Sam.

The D - :shock:. Seriously. I saw the preview and slmost came on the spot. The D!!!!!!!!

Pursuit of Happiness - Huge Will Smith fan. Like him before with all the cheese.....but him as Ali made him a bonafide actor to me. I'll see anything he'll put out in theaters...............including Men In Black 57.


Seriously. :rockon:

Pick of destiny looks to be the funniest and Hollywoodland looks good too. Is that the one where they investigate the original supermans' suicide?
Hibiki said:
Is that the one where they investigate the original supermans' suicide?


I'd say Yahtzee.....but I like this better and I thought saying Stratego was too weird. :lol:
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Baxter said:
In no particular order...

V For Vendetta
Superman Returns
16 Blocks
The Inside Man
Lucky Number Slevin (I'm a sucker for Noir...)

I'm sure Clerks II will bump something off as soon as I see it...

Lucky Number Slevin
THe Inside Man
16 Blocks
Clerks II
Superman Returns.

That is all.
Baxter said:
Lucky Number Slevin awesome was that movie?!?!? I loved every second of it!!!!

Any movie that stars Josh Hartnett and DOESN'T make me wanna punch him in the face is alright in my book.
1. V for Vendetta
2. Inside Man
3. Underworld Evolution
4. X-men: The Last Stand
5. 16 blocks
From Best to Worst:
1. Superman Returns
2. Talladega Nights
3. The Ringer
4. X-Men 3
5. MI3

Still waiting to buy V for Vendetta.

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