Liked the issue and the direction the title is going - I thought the pacing and structure of this issue was a bit off though. There have been so many wonderful twists and turns in this series that the end of the first arc, achieved in the first few pages this month, felt like an anticlimax. Odd that the resolution issue feels like the weakest one so far, even though it has several very strong moments in it. From a drama standpoint, it seemed to me as though the beginning of this issue should have been in #5, and that #6 should have opened with them staring at the ruined mansion and gone from there. Or, alternatively, I'd have liked to have seen the discussion between Cassie and the rest of them lengthened out and made more of a central focus.
Still, though, Heinberg writes great dialog, shows a real feel for the young characters, handles the relationship deftly. I liked the gentle hints about the relationship between Wiccan, nee Asgardian, and Hulking. I had to have the joke about "Asgardian" explained to me. (Hangs head for being a bit dense on that one. I will NEVER understand schoolboy gay joke humor.) Nice touch between Patriot and Kate as well - you know they'd miss sparring with each other. Like the view of them as being a sort of young Hepburn and Tracy in the banter department.
Overall this arc has been very, very good, one of my favorites out of Marvel. Cheers for the comics newbie. I'd give the arc 4 out of 5 stars, though I'd only give this issue 3 out of 5.