Alright, here's the breakdown:
Cassie Lang:
E, I know you'll be super glad, that Cassie isn't a mutant. Though even if she was, there's nothing wrong with it, or the idea. She had been taking a lot of Pym Particles, which now gave effect, and had her grow.
Asgardian (Billy Kiplin) & Hulking (Teddy Altman):
Both seem to be mutants at the moment, as Asgardian can generate electricity, and sometype of wave that causes confusion or something. Not sure. Hulkling has super strength.
Patriot (Real name not revealed):
His name may not have been given away, but we know that he's the grandson of the ORIGINAL Captain America, Isiah Bradley. Isiah had his daughter (Patriots mother) before he got the super soldier serum, so Patriot didn't get it through birth. A while ago, Patriot was in an accident, and lost a lot of blood. His grandfathers was the only match.
As for the issue itself, definetly a banged-up action excellence. Loved the fight with the Growing Man, and how Iron Lad got control of the situation at the end. I'm also pissed that they weren't believed. I'm really shocked at Captain America for not believing, even when the evidence was given to them. I can't wait to read more. This is really one of my favorites to read now.