Young Avengers/Runaways [Civil War] (speculation and spoilers)

Not a big fan of Runaways, but if he IS dead, that would suck. Like I said, he really had lots of potential and would be another heavyweight on the team added to molly, and even more of a contribution because of his shpeshifting.

Weak Crossover. Marvel should know to take more care when they're dealing with things like this that the fans are anticipating so much.

The Warden is insanely evil. I liked him. He goes on about torturing these kids but finds it difficult to do anything to the Skrull because his biological makeup seems to prevent anything from killing him. (Geee....:? )

Molly talks to Speed about how Chase has changed. The rest of the Runaway/YA team up and with the help of Vision's technology and Nico's magic, they infiltrate the Cube.

Xavin wakes up and almost kills the Warden but is talked down by Karolina and Teddy. *

They release Marvel-Boy and he starts kicking *** again. He's about to attack Molly who Chase just saved (I think?) when Chase gets pissed. Vision attaches himself to Chase and Vision - Chase starts kicking ***.

Basically it's a slugfest until Vision and Victor combine they're powers to defeat and unbrainwash Marvel-Boy.

When they part ways Chase and Victor both think they're crushing on Cassie but Vision explains it's only his brain patterns influencing their emotions. Xavin commends Teddy even though he criticized him earlier and Nico and Patriot show their differences and views on Civil War.

Maria Hill tries to get a hold of the Warden but Marvel-Boy announces he's in charge now and The Cube is the center of the new Kree Empire.


The good parts were too little and this wasn't as good as it should've been. The art annoyed me by the end. Very hard to tell any of the males apart.

* Xavin was one of the best characters this issue surprisingly.
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The writter didn't know what to do with Molly and Chase so he made the story as if they were not in the group, that is cheap and stupid. The only good part was Xavin telling them his story before trying to kill the warden.

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You guys suck.

This crossover rocked. All the characters were spot on and even Marvel Boy from Morrison's book.

I hope he comes back somewhere down the line.
You guys suck.

This crossover rocked. All the characters were spot on and even Marvel Boy from Morrison's book.

I hope he comes back somewhere down the line.

i agree with you this was a great series

i want marvel boy to get his own book he kicks ***, why not? there's worse books
story wise it was good, but the art just didn't work. i couldn't tell half of them apart or maybe it was just really bad coloring and inking i couldn't tell.

story: 4.5/5
art/color: 2.1/5
This was one of the weakest crossover/tie-ins I've ever read.

Art was weak all around. You couldn't tell anyone apart. I seriously had no clue whether that was Chase, Timmy, or Victor lying on the ground. Just weak art.

The story was so mediocre that I'd rather read Ultimate Deadpool again.

Just ugh....1/5 (the 1 is for the fact that it's over)
story wise it was good, but the art just didn't work. i couldn't tell half of them apart or maybe it was just really bad coloring and inking i couldn't tell.

story: 4.5/5
art/color: 2.1/5

Seriously. I was going to throw the book across the room. There was no way you could tell Marvel-Boy, Teddy, Victor, or Chase apart.
You guys are babies with "ugh" or "bleh". The story was bad but not that bad. i wouldn't compare it to UDP. Although after reading Marvel at my LCS, it had me thinking about his characterization
This was a really bad mini. I might have to kill myself if this affects Runaways continuity.

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