Just saw it, so here are Random's official thoughts...
I ****ING HATED IT!!!!!
I wanted it to be good I really did but it sucked soo much. I absolutely hated it. They had way too much in the film and it just made everything go no where.
Fist a foremost Cyclops, the original X-men , the man with the first and last name starting with the same letter, the guy who had the most potential bites it in a very gay way, sorry Strangfate but it was extremely gay. I've voice my opinion many times but basically he had the most potential for drama and a great performance which we never had the chance for in other movies.
Xaiver dieing was stupid you cant have the X-men movie without him and that last scene didnt make up for it, its like Ratner saw the film and thought thats stupid and decided to bring him back.
We did not get enough Beast in here, another one that had good potiential for story but didnt have enough time (which is their major problem), I want to see the conflict within him about the "cure" being an outcast all his life we had a taste with him and Leech but not follow through.
Where the hell was Rogue? She's been a major character in the series we should have watched her in that moment she accepted it, which I didn't like cause it was just there, there was no investment in it. Its a life changing choice and we should of been their during the final arguements in her head. And I hate love triangles but they clearly didnt resolve anything and should have.
Also where was Angel? he had like 4 lines the entire movie, he should of been with them on the black bird and helping out during the final hour, helping evacuate and all that. I also felt the scene with him cutting his wings should of been darker, like him in the corner of a dark room on a dark night cutting him self. I also hated the window break, no way he broke through a skyscraped window with such ease and no cuts, but thats just me
The characters thrown in with random powers. Callisto was made into a chick with superspeed that could track mutants and with no eyepatch? I just check uncannyxmen.net and it says "heightened strength, agility, reflexes, and sensory perceptions, regenerative powers, arms have been transformed into multiple suction tentacles" now you could argue that sensory perceptions helps her track mutants but no where does it mention superspeed. And Psylocke was a huge change, she turn invisible.... what the ****? There was no need for that, they just threw away a perfectly good character for nothing. Its like instead of looking for a character that had the powers they wanted or make an original cahracter, they choose some random ones and then just gave them the powers. And made the disposaible. Like Omega Red, There was reports he was in it all I saw was a super hearing guy with an Omega Tattoo...?
They ****ed up Phoenix, there was nothing to it, no substance what-so-ever. We get a quick explanation that sounded very lame (Stewart did not deliver it well, but how can you) Than nothing no inner conflict with her, its just like "I'm evil now and pissed off..." more of her fightin herself. Also we needed to see more of that dilemia of having to kill someone you care about to save lives you could even throw in euthanaisa, I remember a scene in the cartoon where Jean is telling Wolverine to kill her and he has hs claw inshes from her head, that moment is just an amazing drama that decision that cant be reverse, could I do that, can I live with myself? I would of love seeing Logan or specially Cyclops in that predicament. The was just so much material to make a truely dramatic moment that could live one in cinema history but we got nothing just the bare story.
There's probably more but I cant remember everything I hated. There was a dozen ways they could of done it and they made very poor choices. They really dropped the ball, and withg the production they had its no surprize. If they just kept Cyclop and Xaiver alive and added on 30 minutes and waited another year for production it may have worked but they didnt. And waht we got was a movie made not for art or the intrntion of telling a great story or showing something worth watching we got a movie that was made for profit only. I know what you will say "that's the point" and I will respond with "its that thinking that led to Batman and Robin and not Batman Begins. If you think was a good/great movie I can not respect you as a person.
I ahte it when potiential for a good movie is lost for no good reason.