X-Men Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Ice said:
Carey has said that it will be shown why Cannonball nor Cable will be leading the team. I'd say wait first to see why. Cable isn't the only one who can lead a team, and shouldn't lead this team just because of who he is.

Sorry Ice, but I read Cable/Deadpool. It is completely out of character for Cable (The Savior) to follow orders from a young x like Rogue. It just doesn't work. I'm interested in seeing Carey make it work but it just seems very unplausible. Cable has a massive agenda for the world and already it seems Carey is utilizing this character and ignoring it.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sorry Ice, but I read Cable/Deadpool. It is completely out of character for Cable (The Savior) to follow orders from a young x like Rogue. It just doesn't work. I'm interested in seeing Carey make it work but it just seems very unplausible. Cable has a massive agenda for the world and already it seems Carey is utilizing this character and ignoring it.
Wow...that is so Goodwill right there.

You don't even know the story and you're already saying Cable is out-of-character? Have you read the issues already? 'Cuz I'd like to know how Carey is ignoring anything with Cable without knowing what's going to go down first. Carey says he checks up with Fabian about it all and doesn't do it without him being okay with it. So I'd say to first let the issues come and see what happens to see why Rogue will be the leader. I mean, it's not like he's going to come back, join the X-Men and be all like, "I'm the leader now!".

By the way, I know you read Cable/Deadpool, but thanks for telling me. :)
Ice said:
Wow...that is so Goodwill right there.

You don't even know the story and you're already saying Cable is out-of-character? Have you read the issues already? 'Cuz I'd like to know how Carey is ignoring anything with Cable without knowing what's going to go down first. Carey says he checks up with Fabian about it all and doesn't do it without him being okay with it. So I'd say to first let the issues come and see what happens to see why Rogue will be the leader. I mean, it's not like he's going to come back, join the X-Men and be all like, "I'm the leader now!".

By the way, I know you read Cable/Deadpool, but thanks for telling me. :)
Well I think Cable is much more suited, he's a natural leader, I think people would naturally look to him for guidance than Rogue
Random said:
Well I think Cable is much more suited, he's a natural leader, I think people would naturally look to him for guidance than Rogue
Right, I'm not arguing that. But Carey has stated that there is a reason why Cable will not be leading the X-Men. It's not very smart to just go say "He's using him out of character!" etc. without knowing WHAT the reason is.
Ice said:
Wow...that is so Goodwill right there.

You don't even know the story and you're already saying Cable is out-of-character? Have you read the issues already? 'Cuz I'd like to know how Carey is ignoring anything with Cable without knowing what's going to go down first. Carey says he checks up with Fabian about it all and doesn't do it without him being okay with it. So I'd say to first let the issues come and see what happens to see why Rogue will be the leader. I mean, it's not like he's going to come back, join the X-Men and be all like, "I'm the leader now!".

By the way, I know you read Cable/Deadpool, but thanks for telling me. :)

Relax Ice.
Wait, Rogue is the leader of the X-Men now?

ProjectX2 said:
Wait, Rogue is the leader of the X-Men now?


She's the most logical choice after Cable, Canonball wouldn't be able to do it because he the youngest, and no one would take him seriously, especially Mystique, Sabes, and Cable.
ProjectX2 said:
Wait, Rogue is the leader of the X-Men now?
Of this certain team, yes.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Seriously why would Mystique listen to Rogue?
She wouldn't. And that's what Carey said will happen.

Seriously, did you read the transcript? He said there that there was going to be problems.
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MatthewDiCarlo: How's Cable going to take not being in the leadership role? I can't see Mystique taking orders from Rogue either.

Mike Carey: Those are very pertinent issues. This is a team where almost every member could legitimately make a case for being the leader. It will lead to friction.
First of all, Rogue has led the team before.

Secondly, she was a capable leader. Save for Iceman, shes an X-Man longer than any of the others and the only reason she's been such a whiny cow lately is due to terrible, terrible writing since X-Treme X-Men ended. Check out the second arc of that if you want to see why Rogue should lead the team.

Thirdly, the only team Cable has ever led was X-Force. Any time hes been on a main X-Men team hes been a supporting character. Fact. The original 616 Astonishing X-men title. The main books up to & including Dream's End. *I think* he was a member for a while after he first appeared. Deal with it.

Finally, can we try something new here, maybe read the interviews & transcripts, listen to the author, and wait til we've read the issue until we start *****ing about plot & characterisation & such?

And I even prefer Cable to Rogue. By a Longshot.
Patriot Mk2 said:
First of all, Rogue has led the team before.

Secondly, she was a capable leader. Save for Iceman, shes an X-Man longer than any of the others and the only reason she's been such a whiny cow lately is due to terrible, terrible writing since X-Treme X-Men ended. Check out the second arc of that if you want to see why Rogue should lead the team.

Thirdly, the only team Cable has ever led was X-Force. Any time hes been on a main X-Men team hes been a supporting character. Fact. The original 616 Astonishing X-men title. The main books up to & including Dream's End. *I think* he was a member for a while after he first appeared. Deal with it.

Finally, can we try something new here, maybe read the interviews & transcripts, listen to the author, and wait til we've read the issue until we start *****ing about plot & characterisation & such?

And I even prefer Cable to Rogue. By a Longshot.

What teams has Cable been on before? I'm not saying Rogue can't lead anything. Anyone can but with a team of high profile characters like Cable, Mystique, Sabertooth it just seems silly.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What teams has Cable been on before? I'm not saying Rogue can't lead anything. Anyone can but with a team of high profile characters like Cable, Mystique, Sabertooth it just seems silly.

Me said:
The original 616 Astonishing X-men title. The main books up to & including Dream's End. *I think* he was a member for a while after he first appeared.

Cables able to follow a capable leader, he has before.

Mystique has plenty of respect for Rogue, regardless of anything recent that says otherwise. She sent her to Xavier's in the first place. Besides, I assume she knew she'd be a follower & not a leader when she returned to join the team recently.

Sabretooth......I can see Mystique & Cable keeping him in line. Hes always been a follower too though.
Carey said we get a definet interaction between Wolverine and Sabretooth before the X-Men leave the mansion.

An explanation on why Cable will not lead:

Mike Carey said:
One very pertinent point is that in order to lead the team, Cable would have to absolutely commit to the team, at least for a time. I think it's totally in character for him to stick around for a while on the grounds that there's a cause that requires his presence, but not to want to make any promises for the longer term. That's not to say that he won't chafe at taking Rogue's orders - but he is, as Richard points out, first and foremost a soldier in a war of which nobody except for him knows the full parameters. He's got enough self-discipline to adapt to unpalatable situations.