X-Men Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I got that one wrong. I don't know why I thought he'd lost his powers but I just checked and he's definitely got them. That puts a dent in my Apocalypse theory, but I'd rather have cannonball stick around.
Well, there's still the last reveal of the Horsemen Pestilence (sp?). Some people have guessed for it to be Dark Beast, which would come to no surprise, really, but I doubt it. It's supposed to be someone we know.

#185 comes out this Wednesday, so maybe they'll reveal the identity as a cliffhanger.
Ice said:
Well, there's still the last reveal of the Horsemen Pestilence (sp?). Some people have guessed for it to be Dark Beast, which would come to no surprise, really, but I doubt it. It's supposed to be someone we know.

#185 comes out this Wednesday, so maybe they'll reveal the identity as a cliffhanger.

I thought Polaris actually, given we still don't know how she gets her powers back for Uncanny?
Patriot Mk2 said:
I thought Polaris actually, given we still don't know how she gets her powers back for Uncanny?
She gets her powers back?

But I doubt it because she was kidnapped by the leader of the Sapien League. I don't think she would hand Polaris over to Apocalypse.
Ice said:
She gets her powers back?

But I doubt it because she was kidnapped by the leader of the Sapien League. I don't think she would hand Polaris over to Apocalypse.

Sorry, didnt know that. Shes a member of Brubakers Uncanny line up&is shown in flight on the promotional cover. I knda staopped reading this & Uncanny because they are atrocious but Im going to resume once the new teams come on.....
Patriot Mk2 said:
Sorry, didnt know that. Shes a member of Brubakers Uncanny line up&is shown in flight on the promotional cover. I knda staopped reading this & Uncanny because they are atrocious but Im going to resume once the new teams come on.....
Ah, ok.

I'm still wondering myself how she'll end up in Uncanny as Havok will also make that jump point.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I read it. Good issue. I like Apocalypse plan of "an eye for an eye" on homo-sapiens. I'm not a fan of transformers though :? Polaris at the end there, good stuff. So Gambit, Polaris... and who else?

Gazer (an ex-mutant from the space station) and Sunfire (but not anymore).
MaxwellSmart said:
A friend of mine had a very interesting theory about apocalypse's change in personality and behavior. Here it is simply put: M-day took away apocalypse's powers. He is no longer an eternal and as a result is slowly dying.

This is backed up by cannonball loosing his powers. Even though it was never established he was an eternal, it was suspected. Who knows what that would mean for his future. It does seem clear that something is different about him now.

I heard a theory where it could be that Cyclops' personality has rubbed off on Apoc, and is affecting him, just like in New X-men when Cyke was a little darker because of time spent with Apocalypse.
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twilight: Why are the X-Men letting a violent jerk like Sabretooth onto the team?

Mike Carey: Why Sabretooth? First of all because of something that he knows and that they need - later for very pragmatic reasons, and nobody is very happy about it.
I really can't wait to see what it is and where it all leads to! :D
For those wondering about Deadpool:

Sentinal K: How is Cable being on the team going to work with Fabian's "Cable & Deadpool?" And any chance of a Deadpool appearance?

Mike Carey: I'd love to have Deadpool pop in at some point if Fabian was cool with that, but it would have to be somewhere down the line. The mood I'm establishing at first wouldn't sit well with Deadpool being there.
I can't wait for Carey & Brubaker to come on. Quality, monthly, X-Men books for the first time in two years!
Interesting new detail I just found out thanks to HI-FI:

Maria: No need to apologise. Yeah, my team will be leaving the mansion sometime around #193 or #194, and it will be a fairly fraught parting of the ways.
LOTS of interesting talk on this at Carey's Blog Page, including loads of questions about Cable and some on Domino..

My favorite part:

There's a different woman looming up in Bobby's life. Will Iceman have a sense of humour? Yes, I guess he will, but it's not going to be his defining feature. We'll be seeing the strength and maturity that he possesses but hasn't always shown in the past.


Thanks for the response. One last question… when you describe Bobby's love interest as "looming"… is that a conscious choice of wording?


Yeah, it is. This is going to be the sort of relationship you have a hard time explaining to your friends…

:rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
Plus, it looks like we can say whiny Rogue a goodbye! Thanks the Heaven!

I really can't wait for July. Between Carey's X-Men and Brubaker's Uncanny, I think it will be a great month to X-Men fans.
My Question is how well Brubaker can handle a group, since we know he shines with single story characters, like Daredevil and Cap. How well can he write group interactions?
Ultimate Houde said:
My Question is how well Brubaker can handle a group, since we know he shines with single story characters, like Daredevil and Cap. How well can he write group interactions?
He's handling it perfect so far in Deadly Genesis.

Also, he'll be doing Uncanny X-Men. :)
TheManWithoutFear said:
Didn't he say she's leading the team?

I can't believe Cable isn't leading. There's no reason he should even be on it if he's not leading. He's got so much **** to deal with. -1 for Carey on that choice.
Carey has said that it will be shown why Cannonball nor Cable will be leading the team. I'd say wait first to see why. Cable isn't the only one who can lead a team, and shouldn't lead this team just because of who he is.