Re: Wolverine: The Movie
Hugh recently spoke about the Wolverine movie
Source: Entertainment Weekly March 18, 2006
Entertainment Weekly chatted with Hugh Jackman at ShoWest and he talked more about his Wolverine spinoff film:
. ''Wolverine substantiates a feature film,'' Jackman said. ''I mean, he's a really intriguing, mysterious, enigmatic character, à la Mad Max, Dirty Harry, Han Solo — he's that kind of screen antihero.'' So what's the movie about? ''I'd love to get into the origins of that character and find out what he's really made of. So that was always my idea.... Benioff came in with a pitch that was so brilliant, I was so excited, I actually tried to get Fox to make it [before X-Men 3]. But they said, 'No, no, no, we have a trilogy, let's finish that.''' Ah, so that means that Wolverine will survive X-Men 3 this summer, right? ''Well, you never know. Wolverine might be a prequel. Wolverine might be a prequel.'' Yeah, we heard him — nudge nudge — the first time.
Now I doubt its a prequel just on that statement, its just to keep the fans guessing whether Logan would survive X3 or not. I don't want a prequel, I want an adventure that has flash backs to his past.