Well-Known Member
I'm finding the game to be far more difficult than the last. For some reason, the villains just seem to be stronger... I found my well-developed Juggernaut being taken out by Infinite Soldiers in one hit. No Joke. I've since made some modifications to the team (Seeing as how, if something is difficult, I usually change the team to see if the combination of characters is to blame) but still have not made it past the Factory. I'm really getting frustrated with it, too.
Toad is probably my favorite character to play as. MwoF mentioned that he usually includes him for entertainment... I do the same. I like the way he hops around and his accent is so thick he sounds stupid, which is entertaining. He's not a bad character to play as, either. His Hammer Kick is a pretty good move. I'd say he's a good replacement for Beast, who had similar moves last game (Minus the whole tongue bit).
Ironman pieces are not difficult to find at all. First you'll have to collect the homing beacons, as Ice mentioned, so the secret portal will open at what base of operation you're located in (The Sanctuary, Avalon, Weaon X, etc.)... So far I've collected two parts to the Ironman suit since I've completed two chapters... Inside the portals there are usually just guys to beat up on or switches to hit. Not too big a deal. Hopefully, Ironman is a fourth unlockable character... I wouldn't like it if he was one of the "?" characters already included in the character list.
When do the secret characters become available? I liked the last game where you collected characters as you went along... The fact that you get them all at once isn't that much fun.
I know that Deadpool will probably become available to use after you beat him, however the other two "?" have me scratching my head.
Toad is probably my favorite character to play as. MwoF mentioned that he usually includes him for entertainment... I do the same. I like the way he hops around and his accent is so thick he sounds stupid, which is entertaining. He's not a bad character to play as, either. His Hammer Kick is a pretty good move. I'd say he's a good replacement for Beast, who had similar moves last game (Minus the whole tongue bit).
Ironman pieces are not difficult to find at all. First you'll have to collect the homing beacons, as Ice mentioned, so the secret portal will open at what base of operation you're located in (The Sanctuary, Avalon, Weaon X, etc.)... So far I've collected two parts to the Ironman suit since I've completed two chapters... Inside the portals there are usually just guys to beat up on or switches to hit. Not too big a deal. Hopefully, Ironman is a fourth unlockable character... I wouldn't like it if he was one of the "?" characters already included in the character list.
When do the secret characters become available? I liked the last game where you collected characters as you went along... The fact that you get them all at once isn't that much fun.