X-Men (Film Series) - Timeline

what was added in the extended Wolverine?

You know that scene where he's attacked by ninja's near the end and he's taken down by arrows? There's a big bloody fight scene before he's taken down. Other than that I don't remember. I'm really ticked the alternate ending wasn't the actually ending. That costume looked sick.
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Yeah, if you use a web browser instead of the mobile app, when you edit it, click the Advanced button and then under the box, there is an option to disable smilies.
got it. if you wanna go ahead and throw it in the first post you can.
I'm watching all the X-Men movies to gear up for DoFP, and after watching First Class today I realized I can be a lot more specific with the timeline, such as the scene with JFK's speech occuring October 22nd, and the training montage happening within that week, the second JFK speech scene occuring the week of Thanksgiving, etc. So I guess I'm gonna start taking notes on all the other movies in order to narrow it all down, and end my marathon rewatching First Class after The Wolverine to polish up the notes on that one.
I'm watching all the X-Men movies to gear up for DoFP, and after watching First Class today I realized I can be a lot more specific with the timeline, such as the scene with JFK's speech occuring October 22nd, and the training montage happening within that week, the second JFK speech scene occuring the week of Thanksgiving, etc. So I guess I'm gonna start taking notes on all the other movies in order to narrow it all down, and end my marathon rewatching First Class after The Wolverine to polish up the notes on that one.

The only suggestion I could make is to place the ending battle scene of Origins - Wolverine on March 28, 1979, as that's the day the Three Mile Island incident occurred and the events of Wolverine and Sabretooth's fight with Deadpool is the cause of it in the X-Men film-verse. It may also be possible to backdate the other 1979 dates from that film based on that.
Just finished X-2 in my rewatch. so far I've determined:
>The 1986 scene from the novelization is non canon, seeing as it deals with Scott being in highschool still (while he was taken by Sabertooth from highschool in 1979 so it doesn't make sense)
>The 1988 scene from the novelization says Storm is 12 years old, however, the DoFP timeline website features a cameo of an adult storm in their entry for 1991, so it's highly possible this scene is also non-canon
>The Nightcrawler prequel comic still seems pretty concrete (the movie constantly reitirates Stryker set up his attempt to assassinate the president, as well as his time in the circus, which were the comics focal points)
>Xavier's scenes in the intro of First class, even though cut in between Erik's scenes in 1944, happen a bit later seeing as he states multiple times that he met Magneto when he was 17. Leading me to believe that the scenes may be early/mid 50s
>Even though the year pass between rogue kissing the boy at the start of the original X-Men isn't explicitly stated in the movie, it is stated that the kid was in a 3 week coma, so some time did pass between that scene and the next with the novelization being the only concrete source on the amount of time.
>Charles states that it's been almost 15 years since Logan lost his memory, placing the original X-Men at the latest around February 1994
in X-2, Stryker states that is has been 15 years since Logan's memory loss, loosely placing the movie in 94/95. Obviously, those dates are not the case seeing as the DoFP website places X3 in 2006. Is it possible that maybe in the X-Verse the 3 mile island incident occured 10 years after it occured in our universe? It kind of makes sense seeing as how the past portion of DoFP occurs in 1973 and only 6 years later the professor has gone bald? seems like a quick turnaround. but then again I guess that would also pull the vietnam war 10 years into the future as well to match the "6 years later" time card. It's just hard to accept that both characters mis-spoke, and the crew of the movies didn't catch such a glaring continuity error.

Also, I wish a future movie would touch on how Sabertooth went from siding with Stryker into being allies with Magneto. As well as Why Xavier trusted taking in Stryker's son after he had rescued everyone from the three mile island.
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just finished X3, the dates of 1985 and 1995 that I took from the novel are incorrect, given the fact that the DoFP website confirms the movie set in 2006.
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Once DoFP hits home release I'll update the timeline. As far as I can tell it seems like the split up is roughly:

X-Men Days of Future Past (Apocolypse Teaser)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Intro Reel)
X-Men/X-Men First Class (WWII)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition (1945 Flashback)
X-Men First Class: High Hand (Comic)
X-Men First Class
X-Men Days of Future Past (Mystique Scenes pre-assassination attempt)
X-Men Origins Wolverine
X-2 Prequel: Night Crawler
X-2: X-Men United
X-Men: The Official Game
X-Men: The Last Stand
The Wolverine
Days of Future Past (Sentinel Future)

Days of Future Past (Apocolypse Teaser)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Intro Reel)
X-Men/X-Men First Class (WWII)
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition (1945 Flashback)
X-Men: First Class High Hand (Comic)
X-Men: First Class
Days of Future Past (1973)
Days of Future Past (Non-Sentinel Timeline)

I left all the "Present day" segments out of the Post-DoFP outline because there's no telling what the time travelling changed. Obviously Scott and Jean are alive (ruling out X3 and The Wolvetrine from the new canon, and possibly X2), Mystique posing as Stryker is very ambiguous (most likely rules out Origins, especially seeing as Logan isn't in a war camp in vietnam. Also may rule out X2 if Stryker wasn't behind Logan's adamantium.) The only film that seems untouched is the first X-Men, but that's still yet to be confirmed.
I didn't know where to post this, but that Deadpool footage that leaked was perfect. Definitely used that near-perfect script that leaked a couple of years ago. I don't know why Fox is so against this movie.
I didn't know where to post this, but that Deadpool footage that leaked was perfect. Definitely used that near-perfect script that leaked a couple of years ago. I don't know why Fox is so against this movie.

Because it's rated R. They're not willing to take the risk of a low box office for it due to it being rated R. They're also (at least) smart enough not to release a toned-down and untrue to the property version, which is one plus.
I'd be really interested in seeing how that movie would work out. You'd think they'd work off the new timeline established in DoFP, but that may confuse average moviegoers seeing as it wouldn't jive with Origins Wolverine.
I'd be really interested in seeing how that movie would work out. You'd think they'd work off the new timeline established in DoFP, but that may confuse average moviegoers seeing as it wouldn't jive with Origins Wolverine.

One of my favorite parts of that script that leaked a couple of years ago is when Deadpool is in a store holding an X-Men Origins: Wolverine Deadpool toy and he's like "a part of my died the day this came out" and it goes back to his hand and he's now holding a Wham! CD.
MTV released a nice timeline. I might try to photoshop it to add more depth to it, but it's a pretty decent start point.
I'm still baffled on why they released The Wolverine only to immediately retcon it.
After seeing Deadpool last night, I have a few thoughts on this timeline (also, wow, it's been almost two years and I still haven't updated for DoFP). Obviously, the movie retcons the events of Origins: Wolverine, and can do so without really messing up the timeline too much due to DoFP wiping out everything that occured post 1973. So, in theory, our current X-Men timeline would then look something like this:

1845 AD
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 1: "My Son" (00:35-3:20)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 2: "Main Titles/Invincible Warriors" (3:21-4:28)

1861-1865 AD
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 2: "Main Titles/Invincible Warriors" (4:29-4:49)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 2: "Main Titles/Invincible Warriors" (4:50-5:31)

X-Men Chapter 2: "Poland 1944" (1:28-4:23)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 1 (1:00-4:20)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 2 (4:21-9:32)

June 6th
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 2: "Main Titles/Invincible Warriors" (5:31-6:15)

August 9th
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 1 00:38-5:04
The Wolverine: Unleashed Extended Edition Chapter 20 1:09:32-1:11:39

X-Men First Class: High Hand

X-Men: First Class Chapter 3 (9:33-14:02)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 4 (14:03-16:07)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 5 (16:08-22:09)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 6 (22:10-27:10)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 7 (27:11-28:45)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 8 (28:46-31:31)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 9 (31:32-36:06)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 10 (36:07-40:11)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 11 (40:12-44:15)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 12 (44:16-50:04)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 13 (50:05-54:59)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 14 (54:00-1:01:06)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 15 (1:01:07-1:08:16)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 16 (1:08:17-1:11:50)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 17 (1:11:51-1:14:05)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 18 (1:14:06-1:20:06)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 19 (1:20:07-1:23:42)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 20 (1:23:43-1:27:34)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 21 (1:27:35-1:28:50)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 22 (1:28:51-1:31:23)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 23 (1:31:24-1:33:32)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 24 (1:33:33-1:37:53)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 25 (1:37:54-1:39:54)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 26 (1:39:55-1:43:36)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 27 (1:43:37-1:47:43)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 28 (1:47:44-1:52:37)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 29 (1:52:38-1:56:43)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 30 (1:56:44-2:01:25)
X-Men: First Class Chapter 31 (2:01:26-2:04:21)

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 2: "Main Titles/Invincible Warriors" (6:15-7:44)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 3: "Recruitment" (7:47-10:27)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 4: "Special Team" (10:28-14:08)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Chapter 5: "Enough" (14:09-17:43)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (XX:XX-XX:XX)

X-Men: Apocolypse

Present Day (I didn't catch an exact date)

Depending on when the 1973 portions of Origins happen in relation to DoFP (I haven't rewatched it since I saw it in the theatre) possibly those got retconned out as well. Anyway, while everything that happened post 1973 is now out the window, the fact of the matter is that Wade Wilson was already an adult in Origins Wolverine. His scenes that occurred in 1979 are gone, but the character himself technically still exists and would have only been wiped out of the timeline had he been born in '73 and thus only 6 by the time he appeared in Origins: Wolverine. Seeing as that's not the case though, the original Wade Wilson is still alive in the X-Men film universe (and possibly still has his mutant powers that he developed prior to undergooing the Weapon X Program), meaning we have Wade Wilson (Deadpool 2016) and Wade Wilson (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) co-existing. Obviously this could be seen as one of the many continuity errors the film series is known for having, but it would be fun to see them take note of this in future Deadpool movies and have a Wade Wilson in his 60s banter back and forth with the new incarnation of the character.
Simon Kinberg has confirmed that Wolverine 3 will take place in the future and be rated R.

I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say about that. I will agree with you that Patrick Stewart was rumored to be a part of that film. It takes place in the future, and as you and others have reported, it is an R-rated movie. It's violent, it's kind of like a western in its tone. It's just a very cool, different film,
Read more at http://www.superherohype.com/news/373603-wolverine-3-confirmed-for-an-r-rating#d7Sqc5ZPwRpXAHHD.99

So Old Man Logan is basically a lock.

He's also confirmed that the next X-Men movie will take place in the 90s.

Whether that's X-Force or New Mutants or another X-Men movie, who knows.

MTV released a nice timeline. I might try to photoshop it to add more depth to it, but it's a pretty decent start point.

This timeline doesn't deal with anything from X-Men Origins: Wolverine except Wolverine's birth...
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