Well-Known Member
Just so this doesn't turn into a complete Bendis Bash session....I'm gonna put this out there----
I like Bendis. He's a great writer. I admit to liking a lot of his stories. I've noticed a lot of people jump on the bandwagon of hating Bendis just because it's popular. I'm not saying who---but you know who you are.......and it's weak sauce.
I too admit that I throw a couple barbs out at the man...but I also recogonize the incredible talent he is.
My personal gripe with Bendis (much like E and MWoF) is the fact that he's writing subpar stories when we all know he is capable of so much more. I read the first 3 volumes of his DD and I'm in the middle of his Alias. The is GREAT Bendis work. Next on the list is Powers. Even his early USM work was great......not DD or Alias great....but great enough to get me back into comics.
Many like to crack jokes on Bendis like he's "Carded" something up again. And in some instance that's true (I'm looking at you Goblin MJ :shifty: ).....but at the same time---how many of you who do crack those jokes have taken the time to read his DD or Alias work? You can't go off on someone like he's a hack and has no business writing comics without reading his other works.
That's just been something that's been bugging me for a bit and I'm just putting it out there.
I think he has an unfortunately narrow band in which he writes well (Alias, Powers, Daredevil) but so far hasn't been able to step outside of that (Secret Wars, New Avengers, House of M). He's certainly not the only writer (in comics or prose) that has this trouble, though. Most of the others are similar to Bendis in that they have an iconic style - you can pick up anything they've written and immediately identify the writer. I prefer my readings to have more breadth than that.
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