World Trade Center

the watcher

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2005
Just when I thought Flight 93 movie was a bit much I see this!

World Trade Center

Release Date: August, 2006
Studio: Paramount Pictures
Director: Oliver Stone
Screenwriter: Andrea Berloff
Starring: Nicolas Cage, Michael Peña, Maria Bello, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jay Hernandez
Genre: Drama, Thriller
MPAA Rating: Not Available
Official Website: Not Available
Review: Not Available
DVD Review: Not Available
DVD: Not Available
Movie Poster: Not Available
Production Stills:
Plot Summary: Academy Award®-winning director Oliver Stone tells the true story of the heroic survival and rescue of two Port Authority policemen – John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno – who were trapped in the rubble of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, after they went in to help people escape. The film also follows their families as they try to find out what happened to them, as well as the rescuers who found them in the debris field and pulled them out. Their story shows how the best in people rose above the tragic events of that day.
****ING GAY!


i still remember that day like it was yesterday. kids whose parents worked in the towers being called to the library, turning the tv on to see them smoking, then the camera quickly panning back to the building after a brief movement and seeing crap falling, thinking they were bodies but then realizing that the building was coming down. wondering if my uncle was alright, though i probably shouldnt have bc he worked far enough away. going to lunch where there was hysteria (real hysteria, not quite sadness, just excitement) then going back to class to hear the other one fell. then all the tvs going off bc the school decided we shouldnt see it.

i know of plenty of people who lost family and friends in that, and the fact that people actually BENEFIT at all is absurd.

i can deal with the president using 9/11 to his political advantage, bc i already know he's a douche, but christ, to make MONEY off it sickens me.
When it happened, I knew someone would make a movie about it.
Seems a bit early to me... But it was bound to happen.

Man, I still remember that day pretty well. Part of it might have to do with the fact that I hear Iced Earth's "When the Eagle Cries" like every other day, but still, it's not easy to forget... at all.

Also note that Oliver Stone is directing... Lord knows how slanted the movie the be with him at the helm...
GMaster said:
If it was madeas a documentary, maybe, but not as a film. Jesus, this will be stupid.

But you're all gonna go see it anyway.
I can't believe you guys are missing the fact that what is even more offensive than a STUPID 9/11 film is an OLIVER STONE 9/11 film.
This movie should be made maybe 10-20 years from now, to tell the next generation what happen. This one is just to make money and forward some political ideas. God damn I hate Hollywood. No way in hell am I going to see it. Unless it turns out to be the "movie of the century" which I really doubt.
iceman said:
i can deal with the president using 9/11 to his political advantage, bc i already know he's a douche, but christ, to make MONEY off it sickens me.

People have been making money off it since September 11th 2001.

Remember that e-mail?

Anyhow, I liked JFK a lot. But I doubt I can see this film. If it's about two policemen who run into the WTC to save people and its about heroism in the face of adversity - then why, specifically, does it need to be 9/11? 9/11 is going to be very, very emotionally charged setting - so (let's for the sake of argument say it's NOT money-related) why pick that time and date? The issues of politics and terrorism will not be discussed. If it's not about the specific climate of 9/11, then why, specifically, 9/11. Why not another tragedy? Why not transplant it and use Hurricane Katrina? Or the Thailand tsunami? Why specifically 9/11? Because people will go to watch it, and because people will be already very emotionally charged prior to the opening credits.

Frankly, I find it hard to believe a US film about 9/11 made so soon after the tragedy will do anything but scratch the surface, and at the same time, it will be horrifically didactic and manipulative.

That said, if the trailer is good, I may see it.

I really, really, liked JFK.
Bass said:
Frankly, I find it hard to believe a US film about 9/11 made so soon after the tragedy will do anything but scratch the surface, and at the same time, it will be horrifically didactic and manipulative.
Not to mention resolutely middlebrow in trying to pander to universally unitarian sentiments of 'human loss' and all that while fundamentally ignoring the sociopolitics of it all.

Bass said:
I really, really, liked JFK.
I don't hate Oliver Stone, actually.

I just hate the fact that almost all his movies tend to be viewed as 'An Oliver Stone movie' with everyone from marketers to journalists making a big controversy out of it, and to the point that he's not allowed to just make a damn movie and be left alone anymore.

Remember U-Turn? A pretty subpar movie, but I noticed that almost half the reviews that panned it seemed to be from reviewers who had a problem that it was one of the few Oliver Stone movies that didn't involve some form of historical revisionism/conspiracy theory, as if he was somehow obliged to do so in all his films.

Hence my statement that the only thing worse than a STUPID 9/11 film is an OLIVER STONE 9/11 film (stupid one or not). It's just going to invite even more masturbatory wank-talk that is already expected to follow films like these.
Too early. The only emotional impact it will serve up is anger. They should wait 20 years at least when it's not as fresh and people start to forget what being an American is about. They're just doing this for cash and so people will praise them for how it might be from an artistic standpoint.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Too early. The only emotional impact it will serve up is anger. They should wait 20 years at least when it's not as fresh and people start to forget what being an American is about. They're just doing this for cash and so people will praise them for how it might be from an artistic standpoint.

LOL you've got to be kidding, this is the perfect time to make the film, it's absolute proof of what being an American is under the current administration. Stone is a douchebag, so is Moore, so is Bush, and avery other retard that uses tragedy to push their political message. This kinda crap makes me just shake my head, but I have no control over it. I'll just not see it and know that my $4 isn't going to line Stone's pockets, that all any of us can do.
Hah. Your $4 would never line Stone's pockets, even if you went to see the film.

That's Hollywood for ya. :p
This one is shaping up far more heavy handed and melodramatic than United 93.

Oliver Stone has never been one for subtlety.

Doesn't mean it can't be good but it's on very thin ice. I'll see.