Well-Known Member
I think new races would definitely be in order... I think they can be a lot more creative with the kind of guys they put in after incorporating the obscure Draenai in there.
TBH I don't see where they could go if the Northrend instances involved killing Arthas, He's like the most powerful being on the planet so you would have pretty much peaked...
I'll def give you Sargeras. But if Kil'jaeden is more powerful, surely he would have been able to reclaim control of the Scourge from Arthas when he acended the steps to the Frozen Throne and became The Lich King?
As for Azshara, Malfurion managed to beat her in combat before the sundering of Kalimdor. Arthas is so much more powerful than Malfurion its not funny. Plus she is a Naga. A big one, but a Naga nonetheless. How powerful could she really be?
Arthas is definately the most powerful HUMANOID character in the world.
Two anonymous forum posters (blizzard4339 and Sparkiller) have revealed interesting tidbits of infos about the next wow xpack which are the name of the next expansion: Wrath of the Lich King
and a proof going with that name:
If you try to reach that url you get a "Forbidden"-message; if you try any other URL like you get "Not found".
I just hope that one day they decide to do an add-on involving the return of one of my favourite Warcraft characters from all 4 games... Deathwing the Destroyer.
I know they're making it. They said they had six (Which included TBC) planned.
It's also been heavily hinted at that it'll be announced at Blizzcon this week.
Those rumours... were true.
Prepare for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King!
Arthas is back baby!!
From the video, it looks like the Death Knight won't be an unlockable class available after you hit 80 or something like that (similar to City of Heroes Kheldian class) but it will be your character turning to the way of the Death Knight, much like Arthas did in WC3
A Death Knight (DK) is a plate-wearing tank/DPS hybrid. The DK will start around level 55-70 once you achieved some sort of Warlock-mount-like-quests. The DK will be unlocked and you can create a new character with as class DK. It will not replace/destroy your current character. Instead of using Mana/Energy/Rage/.. the Death Knight will be using "Runes". Currently all races and classes can become a DK. A DK can tank with a 2-hander or dual-wield. The DK will be a mix between casting and melee. Just like any other class, the DK will also feature three talent trees. The DK will start of with gear and a mount. The DK will have its own itemisation as well as share the appropriate items.
You have 6 different Runes; Blood, Frost & Unholy (other 3 remain unknown). You can put these Runes in to your sword/axe when out of combat. Certain abilities will use certain Runes. For example a spell used one frost Rune, then that Rune will be consumed and put on cooldown. You can put 6 Runes in to your bar. Of course the Runes can be affected by talents and attributes. Also certain spells re-activate certain Runes.
Sweet...this is where my lil Belf Pally is heading.
Ok, I was wrong... Just dug around on the WoW Forums and the offcial blrub about the DK is...
Information about the 'Runes system'
I thought you quit? :wink:
They did it SO much better than SWG and the horrible Jedi unlocking quest. And starting at a high level so I don't have to go through the HELL that is level 20-58? I LIKE IT!
Yeah, so did I, until my girlfriend began paying for my account and informed me; "You ARE playing with me". So my retirement was short lived.
The got rid of that on galaxies , You can start as a jedi if you wish. I loved galaxies , fantastic game , unfortunately it reset my charracter to 0 and thought "bugger it i'm not doing all that again" and quit
next MMO i get will be Marvel universe , WOW does look cool though but I loved COH/COV and they making the marvel one makes me willing to wait.
Oh, yeah, I know what they did with the Jedi. I'm saying initially, which is where both CoH/CoV and WoW got their idea. SWG's original implementation of the Jedi was terrible and, instead of fixing it, they just let everybody roll a Jedi regardless. CoH took the idea of unlocking a class and did really well with it, as the Epic Archetypes seem to be fairly liked. WoW seems to be following CoH's example, thankfully.
And WoW's a lot of fun. The atmosphere is nice and its a lot more forgiving than other MMOs. But, if you're not into the whole fantasy thing, I could see why you wouldn't get into it.