Wolverine's Wife

In the "Return to Weapon X" arc, Sabertooth mentioned that, as well as being married, Wolverine had a son.

Also, what if Wolverine, while he's away from the title, goes and finds his wife to find out about the side of him that isn't animal, you know? The fact that he left after he didn't care so much about beating Gambit would give him a motivation or some inspiration, rather, to find out what else there is to him.
Personally I don't want to see her... Logan not only is trying to get in touch with his more human emotions but he's also trying to move on from his past... I think if he finds out that they're dead it could be a good way of him looking to the future and his future with the X-Men...
But what better way to get in touch with your 'emotions', than finding out about the wife and son you can't remember?

Besides, you can never run away from your past. It'll always creap on you somehow! :wink:
that's why some things are cheese... and God help 'em if they make so that somehow Logans wife is some kinda of warrior and there's a fight between them before he realizes it's his wife... but whatever it's their comic they do what they want.. IMO they should be dead
XTFLyons said:
and God help 'em if they make so that somehow Logans wife is some kinda of warrior and there's a fight between them before he realizes it's his wife

I've mentioned a few things in the past that might cause me to burn my comics and close this site. I think I'll add that to the list.
Ice, he said he'd burn his comics, too... Do you really think he was being serious? I didn't think so! ;)

Anyway, I'm thinking that the Wife and kid are dead, too, but how would he find this out? Do you guys think it would be a cool idea to see Sabertooth come back for a Hannibal Lector role and give him little clues as to who his spouse was? It would be interesting and totally feasible with Vaughan on the title...
Well, if Sabretooth is gonna come back, first it has to be explained how the hell he survived that slash Wolverine gave him.
It's simple... We didn't see his head roll, so how do we know it came off completely? We can't assume what we haven't been told!
Yes, I hope Sabretooth is alive too. It would be more crap to be given if he's left dead.

But I still think that his wife and son should be alive. I'd be ok if they weren't, but I jus prefer the other.