Wizard World Philly pics.

Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

Awesome pictures. Now we need funny stories! :lol:
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

ProjectX2 said:
Awesome pictures. Now we need funny stories! :lol:
Well, Dan Slott seemed to be everywhere we looked. Panels, audineces, he's even in the background of one of the pics up there.

Great guy by the way. Told me they're working on a follow up to Arkham Asylum: Living Hell that I'm really looking forward to.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

This past weekend, I bought Universe X TPB's volume 1 and 2. Each were $25 each, but since I got it from the 50% off bin, so it was 2 for the price of 1. I also bought USM volume 10 (Hollywood), so now all I need to get is USM volumes 11-14 to have everything from USM.

I also bought these circle pins from where this guy drew the X-Men very weird, but cool. Should post a pic of that sometime soon. For only $20, I bought the Iceman Marvel Legends figure from Series VIII.

Now, as for funny stories. Here's something that we just died laughing over the weekend, of course dealing with TGO:


TGO literally fell in the very small wedge between the wall and the bed. Then, to get a better pic of it, I took another picture, which TGO told me not to take another one.

Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

ultimatedjf said:
I nominate this picture to kick off a series of "Ultimate Central's: Name that Caption!!"
Moonmaster Entry #1:
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

I hope to see this used often.

Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

Bwahahahaha! I can't wait for Dean to get back and ***** about this.

That is awesome. That's happened to me once, but luckily, no one was around with a camera in hand. And I would definitely make sure that picture doesn't reach the internet.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.


*Plots to get to Northern Hemisphere*
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

What was TGO drinking? I'm always surprised when I hear people talking about the weird places they crash when they're wasted. I haven't even heard any stories about what went down in Philly. I guess what happens in Philly stays in Philly.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

MaxwellSmart said:
What was TGO drinking? I'm always surprised when I hear people talking about the weird places they crash when they're wasted. I haven't even heard any stories about what went down in Philly. I guess what happens in Philly stays in Philly.
Sadly nothing. The worst part about the whole thing was listening to him whine about how the seam of the amtress was stuck in his asscrack. Yep. He got something stuck in his asscrack on his vacation. Comence jokes.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

It wasn't the seam of nothing. It was the frame. It wouldn't let my *** pass.

I won that Greg Pak drawing in Ice's picture.

Emma Frost smells good.

The convention was awesome. Kevin Smith was the best part. Dan Slott is awesome. He was everywhere. I didn't even notice him behind me. I feel that I should buy his titles cause he was a cool guy. He was even in the background on the news.

I was kidnapped by MWoF's crazy friends. It was a lot of fun.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

I think I forgot to mention that I ran into Jim Lee at the train staition. Cool guy. I *think* he was with his girlfriend, at least, I'm assuming that's who she was. The girl was American.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

Ice said:
So? So that proves that she's not his sister.

I guess I just don't get it. Was he saying earlier that she was his sister?

Forget it---I'm more confused than Balki in on an escalator.
Re: Wizarld World Philly pics.

Victor Von Doom said:
I guess I just don't get it. Was he saying earlier that she was his sister?

Forget it---I'm more confused than Balki in on an escalator.
What's not to get?

I said earlier that I think she was his girlfriend because she was an American girl, and he's ethnicity is not.