Wizard World Philly '08- The Main Thread.


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.
This worries me:

Cup O' Joe Panel said:
Marvel Zombies 3 by Van Lente and Kev Walker.

"Just in time for Halloween, Marvel Zombies will invade the Marvel U, in continuity, and the Initiative has to rise to the challenge," Van Lente said.

As in 616 continuity? This is only a step away from an Ultimate/616 crossover.


Of course, they already did this in Black Panther, but at least then it was taking place in the Zombie-verse. Marvel Zombies 3 sounds like it'll take place in the 616 universe (no doubt using the dimensional portal originally built by Ultimate Reed, and then re-engineered by Forge in the Zombie-verse in MZ 2). Eh, whatever.

Quesada said scripts are in for "Ultimate Wolverine/Hulk" except for the last issue, Quesada said, but Leinel Yu is busy with other projects right now.

Thats encouraging. All but the last script being in, I mean. What Yu's doing now and in the forseeable future is irrelevant, considering the 1 year per issue average Lindelof's been setting since #2's release years ago. By those standards, if Yu starts working on #3 in a little less than a year, its all on schedule.


The EIC reiterated that he wants to keep Ultimate, Icon, and Knights lines small to keep quality high.

In terms of the Ultimate line, keeping the level of quality high is a ****ing joke. USM is the only ongoing worth reading (its pretty good right now, I'll give it that proudly), but the other 3 titles are utter crap.

Once again, Joe Q. proves he's one of the best bull****ters in human history.
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Lady Bullseye. Sigh. What's with making all of these female versions of male characters?

Because everthing is better with boobs. Witch is why women are awesome.

Anyway,Lady bullseye does look cool and hey i trust Bru.

In terms of the Ultimate line, keeping the level of quality high is a ****ing joke. USM is the only ongoing worth reading (its pretty good right now, I'll give it that proudly), but the other 3 titles are utter crap.

Regarless U3 is selling
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Venom Melendez said:
Regarless U3 is selling

As it should...its been hyped and advertised since before Ultimates 2 finished. However, sales numbers have dropped noticeable between issues (if I remember correctly), leading me to believe a lot of the people who bought issue #1 didn't buy #2, and so on. Sure it still sells well, but critical reaction to it has been harsh, and fans have noticed.
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Originally Posted by Cup O' Joe Panel
Marvel Zombies 3 by Van Lente and Kev Walker.

"Just in time for Halloween, Marvel Zombies will invade the Marvel U, in continuity, and the Initiative has to rise to the challenge," Van Lente said.

Damn... and I was really hoping for a Marvel Zombie vs. DC Zombies...
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I actually agree with DiB. Joe Quesadilla is a shameless hype machine and he will hype something no matter how bad it is.

And I also agree that USM is the only thing worth a crap in the UU. All of the other books are either boring or suck.
I didn't mean that generally. I just meant that no one has the right to call him a BSer for him personally thinking something is high quality. If he really does think that, so what?

But whatever. Most of this I've been typing out of being in a pissed off mood.

Yeah, let's move on...I'm just not seeing the controversy here at all.