Okay, before I rant, I loved U1 and 2, looking forward to 3.
To explain to those who don't understand, or care not to. Mad does not draw anime, anime is animation. If you're insisting on using a Japanese term, use the correct one boys, it's manga (which loosely translates to comics). Now, those of you are whining the most about his style, do you draw? Have you ever tried to draw? It's actually easier to draw realistic than stylized and have it look good (like Mad does). Hitch is good, don't get me wrong, but seriously, if you google, you can find the exact pictures he drew from reference. I'm not saying he traced, but he did draw from photo reference. Drawing from the mind's eye is VERY difficult, especially with a deadline, I know from experience. My last question is this, why do people insist on this broad "I hate anime" crap? I understand not liking a particular artist, like Leifeld or Takehashi, but a whole genre?? C'mon, grow up and open your horizons some. I mean, that would be like someone saying "American art sucks, viva la Euro art!". I'm sure most of you who ***** do it just to feel important, and I'm sure I'm wasting my breath, just needed to vent.