Ok, hold up. So what, you've spoken to Joe Q. and he's told you that this is going to be 616 Avengers with a different name? Oh no! For a start, don't complain about 616 Avengers. It was one of the best title's Marvel produced. It sold a lot. So they could obviously bring that factor across into the Ultimate Universe. It would sell, because they have seen it sell in the past.
So Ultimate Avengers? In your eyes, this is obviously something completely different than 616 Avengers, is it not? Because that's how you made it sound. Do you know what Ultimate Avengers would be like? Sorry, you don't know? Oh, your post seemed to state that you obviously knew, since you compared Ultimate Avengers to 616 Avengers. So you know that Ultimate Avengers would be cool? Even though you don't know what it would be like, nor ahs it been made. Oh sorry, I just thought you knew it all, thats what you said in your post, after all. Hmmm.
Have you read the storyline to this comic, or seen the artwork for it? No again? Oh, I see. So you don't know that this will be Ultimate Avengers? Just because Joe Mad has said that he wants to be closer to the original Avengers costumes? Holy cow! That must mean Loeb is going to take the scripts from the 616 Avengers series and just write his name at the top of them, because Joe Mad said he wanted to make the costumes more like the originals.
This is nothing to do with The Ultimates. Go take this up in The New Avengers forum, considering, well, your referring to 500 issues of The Avengers. Oh, sorry, I forgot, all of a sudden The Ultimates is now 616 Avengers. Must be something to do with House of M...