Windows Vista

Vista gave me herpes

My next computer is going to a MAC, I'm done with Windows

They make good laptops?

Fantastic. Doc Strangefate and I both own MacBook Pros; I rarely use Windows PCs anymore. The number of bugs and vulnerabilities is staggering; I didn't even realize until I started using a Mac.

Nope. Just what I've been told. Wouldn't even know where to look. :?

No offense, but I kind of figured. Someone posted a site a while back about truths and myths about Vista and as it explained, a lot of the horrible things being said about it either are completely untrue or only partially true.
The friends I talk to seem to know their stuff, but I can only relay what I've been told, not where the stuff came from or its accuracy. :?
The friends I talk to seem to know their stuff, but I can only relay what I've been told, not where the stuff came from or its accuracy. :?

I know, I didn't mean for that to come off as a criticism.

You're such a woman sometimes.

My mac broke after five months and i went to get it fixed and they said i needed a new one but my warranty didn't cover a replacement. i got screwed on that one.
My mac broke after five months and i went to get it fixed and they said i needed a new one but my warranty didn't cover a replacement. i got screwed on that one.

How did it "break"? They come with 1-year warranties.
I have XP and that's all I need, especially since, up until I got my super wonderful awesome personal laptop for my birthday in August, I only had Windows 98 on a shared computer for the past 7 years. I couldn't even watch videos on YouTube back then.
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How did it "break"? They come with 1-year warranties.

i don't know, i tried to turn it on one day and it wouldn't. The power button was funky like if you pressed it, it wouldn't feel like it would turn on. But after that was fixed, it still wouldn't work.
i don't know, i tried to turn it on one day and it wouldn't. The power button was funky like if you pressed it, it wouldn't feel like it would turn on. But after that was fixed, it still wouldn't work.

You having problems turning something on I doubt that.

*holds up hand for a high five*

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I switched from PC to Mac after years of being a Mac-hater. JTG gave me his old iBook and from that moment, I was hooked. I never realized how much work I had to do to maintain Windows until I gave up my PC to my gramma.

I currently run Vista (less than legal) on my Intel Mini and I'm planning on getting an MBP here in the near future.

My ONLY complaint, how everyone's talking about the inability to upgrade the mac. COMPLETELY untrue, I upgraded my mini from a 1.5GHz CoreSolo to a 1.86GHz Core2Duo, and the Mini is the least upgradable. You like everything else need to know what you're doing.

Hell I recently upgraded my old G4 PowerMac from 400MHz to 1.55 Dual CPU, and upgraded to a 128MB video card.

Of course everything I own is ram maxed.

Oh...and on topic, after doing XP tech support for a couple years, wait till Vista SP1 comes online.
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I switched from PC to Mac after years of being a Mac-hater. JTG gave me his old iBook and from that moment, I was hooked. I never realized how much work I had to do to maintain Windows until I gave up my PC to my gramma.
I've said it before, I'll say it again... the ONLY reason I still own a PC is for the gaming.

Not that Mac has no gaming options, but they are a bit limited compared to PC. Also, many of the titles published by major companies take several months to arrive on the Mac, though that's beginning to change a bit with some simultaneous releases.

Oh, and PCs are just generally cheaper here in the Philippines, because it's easy to obtain gray-market parts or unbranded components from the neighboring countries that manufacture the parts for them.

skotti-chan said:
My ONLY complaint, how everyone's talking about the inability to upgrade the mac. COMPLETELY untrue, I upgraded my mini from a 1.5GHz CoreSolo to a 1.86GHz Core2Duo, and the Mini is the least upgradable. You like everything else need to know what you're doing.
Takes one to know one! LOLOLOLOL!!!1

I don't really care about the mac vs. PC arguments. Apple's advertising is very irritating. I refuse to use any apple products, simply on principle. I won't even buy an Ipod.
If you don't care about Mac vs. PC arguments, then why are you clearly swearing off Apple products?
If you don't care about Mac vs. PC arguments, then why are you clearly swearing off Apple products?

What I mean is, the advantages and disadvantages of both don't really matter to me. I find Apple to be annoying, therefore, I don't buy their products.
What I mean is, the advantages and disadvantages of both don't really matter to me. I find Apple to be annoying, therefore, I don't buy their products.

I feel the same way sometimes.

For me, it's not the ads that bother me, as I don't watch much TV.

It's the lifestyle fetishism, the commodity aspect, the sudden vogue and fashionability of their products that bothers me... which is pretty much the reason why they're successful. It's like when curved Swedish furniture became hip in the 90s.