Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
A-HA!Ultxon said:I said NO! just because if i like the artwork then I'll just buy the poster.
What if there is no poster? Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!
A-HA!Ultxon said:I said NO! just because if i like the artwork then I'll just buy the poster.
I think that we'll be seeing them in variant form (like UIM #1) rather than limited edition copies. Limited edition comics are generally created to be more valuable because of some odd factor, such as the all black and white U2 #1. Having some artist spend his time designing six additional covers for the U2 line would be too costly to justify a 1:10 or even 1:5 ratio. If we see them at all, it'll probably be 1:1.Ultxon said:I said NO! just because if i like the artwork then I'll just buy the poster. That said if there were any indivisuals who may want to have one then I'd be more than willing to get a variant or two [my store gets all those limited edtion covers and never seem to run out].
Guijllons said:There are better artists than hitch about, he has his flaws.
Nurhachi said:Hell NO! they still the same comic. Why would you want two of the same comic?
!!!WORD!!!Nurhachi said:Hell NO! they still the same comic. Why would you want two of the same comic?