René said:Okay lets say that the book has no villians at all... what will Ben and Johnny do? Ben is not a scientist, he's a good hearted guy that looks after his friends. Johnny is looking for a fight! If you noticed during both of these story arcs we only focus on Reed and Sue what about the other two?
Goodwill said:In the McNiven article, he said that he was interested in writing. Do you think he's an option for this book? Not only is he familiar with the characters appearances, but I'm sure he also knows some about their 616 counterparts just by reading the scripts that he's given for MK4. What do you guys think?
Goodwill said:Not a bad idea at all... Although it probably won't happen, Morrison would be a great person to have because he's such a great writer. Not only can he breathe new life into tired characters, but he's not afraid to make change. He did a lot for the X-Men and, although, all of the stuff he did is not around, he still did a lot at the time. I'd like to see him on this title.