Who has the hotter comic babes?

Who's Hotter?

  • DC (Catwoman, Wonder Woman, Zatanna, Lois Lane)

    Votes: 11 27.5%
  • Marvel (Invisible Woman, Scarlet Witch, Black Cat, Storm)

    Votes: 27 67.5%
  • None

    Votes: 2 5.0%

  • Total voters
thee great one said:

Oh come one. I'm just trying to add class to this site.

You do that simply by showing up.
Maybe if I attempt to take this thread seriously, it will finally die?
Seems to work on most other subjects. Worth a shot, I guess.

See, I prefer to set my own parameters for "hotness" -- or, for that matter, "hottness" -- rejecting "conventional" standards as just a mean (in every sense of the word) representation of taste, rather than an "objective" or empirical thruth.

Having said that, I'd say it's a fairly even split, across both companies (once you factor in all the studios and imprints, anyway).

In Marvel 616, I really like Gert from Runaways (my crush on her fairly well-documented; under-age creepiness notwithstanding). And if you've read the new version of Scorpion introduced in Amazing Fantasy, you'll know that she's a rather sexay combination of attitude, good looks, and battlefield smarts.

Among the Ultimate gals, Dazzler/Allison and Sue Storm stand out by far, for entirely different reasons. I like Ali's punky Suicide Girls aesthetic and feistiness. Sue's combination of intellect and practical, hands-on competenence is a HUGE turn-on.

I've also mentioned that I'd happily indulge my submissive side with a one-night-stand with Rhona Burchill, the Ultimate Mad Thinker, precisely because it's dangerous and risky. You could be sure that I'd be out of there first thing after it's over though -- I'd hate to fall asleep, only to wake up with a lobotomy and an involuntary donation to her "brain-trust".

Does Denna Pilgrim from Powers count as a Marvel character now? She's pretty hott, in her own tough way, too.

Over at DC, my faves are not exactly 'dream girl' material -- I'd much rather have agreed quickies with them.

I'd happily remain ****-buddies with Zatanna, enjoying occasional sex, while remaining just friends throughout (which is probably exactly how it is between her and the Diniverse version of Batman, the old horndog).

I love the idea of consensual flings with the nerdy-but-deadly types. Having said that, I'd appreciate the challenge of having sex with a parapalegic like Oracle (oh yes, I did go there). Likewise, Thessaly from the Sandman/Endless books would make a great one-time lay (though I'd be worried about the magickal disappeance of my testicles for weeks afterwards, but hey, that's part of the fun).

Hmmm... Come to think of it, score another point for Marvel, because I like She-Hulk, for more or less the same reasons.

I'd almost feel guilty about doing it with Tulip from Preacher, if only because her relationship with Jesse is so damn sweet and ideal. For me, there's no better, more nuanced representation of a REAL 90s "bad girl" than her.

Technically, Freefall from Gen-13 ought to be considered a DC character. I don't like her as much as I did when I was 16. But at the time, I considered her the "ideal girlfriend". I'd still hit it, mos def.
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UltimateE said:
Whew! Thanks compound!

He does tend to overanalyze, and then describe that overanalization, with just about everything, huh? Even what turns him on about women. Most guys look at a chick and think, "Huh...she's hot." Compound? He looks at a woman and can then write a doctorate thesis on why he finds her attractive. Its ****ing eerie.
DIrishB said:
Most guys look at a chick and think, "Huh...she's hot." Compound? He looks at a woman and can then write a doctorate thesis on why he finds her attractive. Its ****ing eerie.
You fail to realize that given the kind of women Compound likes, all he'd have to do is WRITE that doctorate thesis and they'd be making sweet music in the sack all night, just like that.
Marvel..cuz....well cuz DC sucks

Before i got into real girls, i used to whack off to wanda. Mmmmm....wanda....

Right now i would ask who the hell Zatanna is, but shes DC so it really doesnt matter.


ok guys, whose zatanna?
thee great one said:
That, Nur, is Zatanna. She's a magician who can do anything by saying it backwards, like: "Evom morf eht lanoitcif mlaer otni ytilaer dna evah xes htiw modnar sdren."
moonmaster said:
That, Nur, is Zatanna. She's a magician who can do anything by saying it backwards, like: "Evom morf eht lanoitcif mlaer otni ytilaer dna evah xes htiw modnar sdren."

Me first, Me first! :D
ourchair said:
You fail to realize that given the kind of women Compound likes, all he'd have to do is WRITE that doctorate thesis and they'd be making sweet music in the sack all night, just like that.

I may have failed to realize that, but thats merely because my experience with Compound is limited to this message board, so it makes it tough for me to know what type of girls he's into...besides that Gert lookalike.

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