Who has made the better movies, Marvel or DC?

The Overlord

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
Who has made the better movies, Marvel or DC? Do you think Marvel and DC have anything to learn from each other in terms of making movies?
they've both had good and bad movies.

DC has had better DTV animated movies though, hands down. They've also done a better job getting out their less mainstream properties (RED, V for Vendetta).
I'll get the fire extinguishers.....

honestly i find non big-two movies to have a better track record than either of them. I've enjoyed Marvel movies more, mostly I imagine because I enjoy marvel characters more in general. But DC's done better with Batman alone than any other comics franchise out there
Talking exclusively about the modern era(post-Blade in 1998 ), Marvel by a longshot. DC has the two Batman films, V For Vendetta, and has arguably not made a good live-action movie otherwise(and yes I'm counting RED).

With the exception of Ghost Rider, the first Hulk, Wolverine Origins and the second Punisher, I think everything Marvel's done has been at least "good" and usually great. Thor vs Green Lantern is a good illustration of how Marvel just "gets it" compared to non-Nolan DC.

(edit - but this thread? Really?)
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I think it's a toss up. While Marvel has certainly made A LOT more movies than DC, I would say that a lot of them are mediocre or poor. You can make a strong argument that either is right. If you were asking all time, it would be DC. If you were talking the "modern period", I would say Marvel. It's fairly close though.
they've both had good and bad movies.

DC has had better DTV animated movies though, hands down. They've also done a better job getting out their less mainstream properties (RED, V for Vendetta).

Er, no. Mervel made movies with less mainstream heroes, while DC just sticks with Batman and Superman.

But Marvel has made better movies than DC.

I mean, DC made Catwoman, even Wolverine:Origins is better than Cawoman. DC also Made Batman forever.

So yeah, i'd give this to Marvel.
I think that Marvel has made more good movies than DC with X-Men, X2, First Class, the first two Spider-Man movies and the Avengers movies. DC, however, made the best comic book movie with the Dark Knight as well as solid efforts from Batman Begins, Superman Returns, V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and Constantine (if we're not counting Superman 1 and 2). Overall I think they've both done a pretty good job at making their characters come to life. Of course I think Marvel has a much easier time as they've got more relatable and (comic book wise) more realistic characters to put out there while DC is dealing with some very outlandish concepts.
I agree with everything Bluebeast said except for Constantine being a solid effort.
Er, no. Mervel made movies with less mainstream heroes, while DC just sticks with Batman and Superman.

yeah, Marvel has used their less well known Superheroes more than DC has. But that's not what I meant. DC has skipped all of their B-List heroes (or whatever you want to call the Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern up until recently, etc), but instead, they've put out movies based on Vertigo, Wildstorm, and Paradox.

the average person may not have known much about Thor or Iron Man going into the movies, but they probably at least knew they were watching a Marvel film, but I doubt most people knew that a History of Violence, Constantine, RED, The Losers, Stardust, etc were DC movies at all.
I've enjoyed the Marvel movies I've seen more than the DC ones I've seen. But Batman Begins and Dark Knight almost make up for it, helped by the major crappiness of Spider-Man 3 (seriously one of the worst movies I've ever seen) and X-Men 3.
Drunken Pickle said:
the "dark" montage

If you're talking about emo Peter, I totally agree.

Although I couldn't let one crappy movie affect how I feel overall about one of my favorite characters!