who do you think ultimate spider girl is?

Hmm. I know I posted a couple of ideas here before but now I gots me a new one.

What is a clone saga without the scarlet spider? I still think that she's a clone of Pete who rocks a little of the Venom suit.

What's the name gonna be?
Spider-Girl? noway!
Spider-woman? Nah!
It's got to Scarlet Spider.

Bendis said on his issue 100 podcast that there wouldn't be a Scarlet Spider. Her red costume might be a homage to Scarlet, though. If you notice, Kaine's crappy makeshift costume has the spider's legs going up his shoulders like Spider-Ben's did.

Also, the legs of the spider on Tarantula's costume follows his limbs like 616 Tarantula's did. Plus, Tarantula has the same triangle on his forehead that 616 Spider-Woman's did. The costumes for all of the clones/genetic constructs are really awesome--I especially like Scorpion's design.
Bendis said on his issue 100 podcast that there wouldn't be a Scarlet Spider. Her red costume might be a homage to Scarlet, though. If you notice, Kaine's crappy makeshift costume has the spider's legs going up his shoulders like Spider-Ben's did.

Also, the legs of the spider on Tarantula's costume follows his limbs like 616 Tarantula's did. Plus, Tarantula has the same triangle on his forehead that 616 Spider-Woman's did. The costumes for all of the clones/genetic constructs are really awesome--I especially like Scorpion's design.

You believe Bendis? You never can tell with that guy.