Well, according to Mary Jane in vol. 8, it has to be one of the following:
Norman Osborn
Harry Osborn
Doctor Octopus
Nick Fury
Eddie Brock
Curt Connors
Captain America
Rest O' The Ultimates (Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Giant Man, Black Widow, Quicksilver, and Scarlet Witch (when did Spider-Man meet the Ultimates?))
All-O-The X-Men (Xavier, Cyclops, Storm, Beast, Shadowcat, Jean, Angel, Nightcrawler, etc.)
Good grief, that's a lot of people.
Well, we can eleminate Eddie Brock, Green Goblin, Mary Jane, and Doc Ock, along with Nick Fury, Iron Man (powers derived from suit), and Hawkeye (is shooting arrows really well a super power?). As some of the Ultimates are debatable as to whether or not they have super powers, like Thor, I'm not going to guess one of them. Perhaps....
Could be any of the X-Men so far. Just have to wait and see!