Who Am I? game (Ultimate Marvel)

"I stalk the night, in search of those who pray on others. I open the eyes of the blinded public, I crave justice. Some people think I'm a joke. But those who have faced me know better." Who am I?
Yep, I was tired when I posted that & he was the only one I could think of.

Your Turn fcpunfan.
OK I kinda suck at these but here goes anyway.

- I've only made one appearence
- One touch from me can calm the inner (or outer) beast
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I really wish, they would do more with him.
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Bingo, your turn
I doubt we'll see anything of Man-Thing anytime soon, I remember when his movie came out last year everyone was saying that he's just a poor rip-off of Swamp Thing, even though I think Marvel introduced Man-Thing first. Does anyone know for sure?
Wikipedia said:
Due to the close premieres of each comic (Man-Thing appeared a month earlier; DC has longer lead times but the Olsen story was routine rather than a new character launch, which would take longer), it is unlikely that either comic was directly derivative of the other - although in an interview Gerber noted that Wein and Man-Thing co-creator Gerry Conway were roommates, and had simultaneously came up with similar characters by coincidence.

fcpunfan said:
Bingo, your turn
I doubt we'll see anything of Man-Thing anytime soon, I remember when his movie came out last year everyone was saying that he's just a poor rip-off of Swamp Thing, even though I think Marvel introduced Man-Thing first. Does anyone know for sure?
Both of thier creators roomed together in college too. They probably talked about the overall idea then went in diffrent directions with it.
Thanks for the info guys, sorry to get off topic for a sec but did anyone even watch that movie, it looked like a total **** bomb to me.
AUGH. we lost the posts about the last one in the game here and it was killing me. i don't remember who posted it, but could you come back? the clues as i remember them were something like

-616 counterpart is a villain, but not ultimate one as of yet
-hasn't been involved in any fighting thus far
-has, in a sense, been "ultimatized" twice
-lives in a nice place but doesn't own it or anything in it
And I believe my last clue was something like...

- I am not human and don't even look like it. I can't say the same for my other Ultimization, but appearances can be deceiving.
Victory for Iceshadow! (I may have been playing it a bit too cute, but it's hard to come up with challenges otherwise, eh?)