Which was better: Ultimates 2 #1 or New Avengers #1?

Which was better: Ultimates 2 #1 or New Avengers #1?

  • Ultimates 2 #1

    Votes: 38 84.4%
  • New Avengers #1

    Votes: 7 15.6%

  • Total voters


Excelsior Club
May 17, 2004
Both of these were absolutely fantastic, and for me personally they were 2 of the best books I've read in a very long time. Smart marketing move by Marvel (if that's what it was) issuing these books on the same day.

So - having read both books, which was better?
This is tough.

Millar v Bendis?

Hitch v Finch?

I have raised this issue before - The Ultimates is the biggest thing to come to comics since the first comic.

People who consider comics to be the bastard illegitamate child of the art world have been bowled over by this concept.

Finally us true believers finally have something we can discuss with any peer group without the fear of "maturity abuse".

and this issue did not dissapoint.

It knocked my socks off.

But then ... so did The New Avengers.

How long has Bendis been waiting to do this?

It seems like Daredevil, Alias, The Pulse, etc has all been leading up to this.

If I was in the North Pole...

and I had just killed "The Thing" (John Carpenter's The Thing, not Ben Grimm)...

and I had a copy of The New Avengers and a copy of The Ultimates...

and I needed to stay alive...
and although I hate the whole idea of burning books - I had to burn one of them keep the fire going and survive...
It woud have to be...

The Ultimates that gets burnt.
longshotjimlee said:
p.s. Did anyone else get the variant black and white issue?

Yep. I paid $15 for it, but it was worth it.
Ultimates 2. Simply becuase Millar just dazzled me with all the freaking stuff. From {not telling here} to {still not telling here}. I mean, it was so awesome!

And I didn't expect to read about {you must be crazy if im saying something here}!

Go Millar! :D
well this topic is really geting us talking, anybody seen any really interesting freshly painted walls drying lately?
longshotjimlee said:
well this topic is really geting us talking, anybody seen any really interesting freshly painted walls drying lately?

Which had fresher painted walls - Ultimates 2 #1 or New Avengers #1?
Greetings, fellow Ultimites!

I read both Ultimates 2 #1 and New Avengers #1, and even though I enjoy the writing prowess of Mr. Bendis, Ultimates 2 #1 ROCKED! I also received the black and white sketch variant AT COVER PRICE, and it was even better than its inked counterpart.

New Avengers #1 seemed to be more of a buildup issue, whereas Ultimates 2 #1 basically picked up right where Ultimates #1 left off. And the last page with Bruce Banner's expression and colorful response to his link to the Hulk completely revealed was the icing on the cake. If I could only have one of these two issues, it would definitely be Ultimates 2 #1. Fortunately, it did not have to come down to that.

New Avengers #1. Cmon guys. Ultimates 2 #1 was good but no where near the level it actually got too. I mean it was basicly just another comic until that last page with Banner's expression. New Avengers at the time was so much more exciting on so many levels. Anyway, just my thoughts on the two issues at hand. And I hadn't read NA when this first came out.
TheManWithoutFear said:
New Avengers #1. Cmon guys. Ultimates 2 #1 was good but no where near the level it actually got too. I mean it was basicly just another comic until that last page with Banner's expression. New Avengers at the time was so much more exciting on so many levels. Anyway, just my thoughts on the two issues at hand. And I hadn't read NA when this first came out.
He only says this because Daredevil was in New Avengers #1. :wink:
New Avengers #1: Worst overrated comic EVER.