Goodwill said:
It's all right...
Now, with Sue... For those of you who have voted for her, what are you basing it on compared to Reed or Ben, who have been sketched out more than her.
I voted Sue, for two main reasons:
1) She's noticeably different from her 616 counterpart -- smarter (both in terms of academic brains, and how she responds to specific circumstances), more youthful, more outspoken. She's responsible when necessary, but clearly has a sense of humor, as well.
2) She represents the practical application of scientific knowledge, in contrast to Reed.
Reed is the genius, the budding little Nobel-prize-winner-in-the-making, out to discover new Big Ideas. And that's perfectly admirable.
But Sue clearly directs her brain-power towards more everyday, hands-on uses -- she is the one who suggests evaluating their physiology, after the original N-Zone mishap; she is the one with the good sense to want to return home after the ill-fated meeting with Nihil (Reeds seems to treat the whole encounter as one big, dangerous, inter-galactic science fair).
Those are just the examples off the top of my head, but I'm certain there are more.
This has actually become a pet topic of mine. I'll probably return to this matter later, when I can bounce ideas off the next few responses.