What Went Wrong With Ultimate Storm

Why do I get the feeling that all of you are saying that Ultimate Beast was "OMG LOL THE COOLEST CHARACTER EVER" just because you want another reason to hate on Bendis.
We have entire threads (God, painful painful threads) that might not be still around, but in which the issue of whether or not Beast being killed was a good thing or a bad thing. With both viewpoints.

Also, some people...might just like Beast.
Beast's death was one of the only good things about Bendis's UXM run. It came out of nowhere, which was a shock and surprise, and kept the readers interested.

Yes, yes, compound. But allow my rebuttal.


And I don't care who killed him, if God himself came from heaven proved he was real, then wrote Ultimate X-Men and killed Beast....I would spit in his face and tell him to eat my ***.

Same is true to Kirkman right now if he kills off Cyclops. Please kill Xavier, he's boring when he doesn't have Magneto to work off of.
As for Storm, I like the goddess part about her from 616, but I don't miss it here.
Yeah, I can't say I *MISS* it either, but I just get the feeling like most others, that early UXM would've been a lot better if Millar adopted the storytelling style he used in Ultimates.

Instead of having Jean recruit so many mutants in one single chapter, he could've devoted each issue to how 'mutants on their own' try to make their way till they got busted, and give a more nuanced picture of how Xavier is forming his own teenage strike force --- I mean in some moments, it really feels like the whole damn Tomorrow People was just a practice run for what he did with The Ultimates

That said, Storm being manipulated to fill a goddess role by some soft-spoken seemingly benevolent manipulative type (I'm picturing episodes of Mushishi and some of the benevolently evil god/computer-villains of random 60s Star Trek stories) then suddenly exposed and hated by her devotees would've been an interesting place for her to come from.
I like Storm, she always seemed like a nice person. It was pretty harsh when Wolverine said he didn't even like her.
Ordinarily, I don't really obsess much about Ultimate X-Men, but I was just thinking --- I think Millar and editorial really dropped the ball on Storm's character, by excising her 616 past as an African goddess. I think removing the goddess stuff really removes one of the most interesting parts about her.

I agree. I also think that they should ultimize Black Panther, and have the two marrie. Gosh, I love weddings. :cry:
I know enough about Storm in 616, and I think that the fact that they left the goddess thing out of the equation was a good thing. It seemed forced in 616.

I agree that the romance with Beast was developed as a (rather obvious) cliché-ish romance story, it worked really well. I hate the way Beast fell for the on-line romance thing before his death. Did they really have to humiliate him that way, just so we could feel pity for him in the end (which I did)?
I agree that the romance with Beast was developed as a (rather obvious) cliché-ish romance story, it worked really well. I hate the way Beast fell for the on-line romance thing before his death. Did they really have to humiliate him that way, just so we could feel pity for him in the end (which I did)?

I think you should talk to Seldes about this.
I agree. I also think that they should ultimize Black Panther, and have the two marrie. Gosh, I love weddings. :cry:

No, she should marry Fury, because he's black as well, and that's using the same logic that Marvel used to pair up Storm and Black Panther. Stupid idea.
No, she should marry Fury, because he's black as well, and that's using the same logic that Marvel used to pair up Storm and Black Panther. Stupid idea.
Fifty year old head of international security + underage weather-warping mutant nookie = best lemon fan fic ever.
Speaking of Panther, I wonder how much they'll change him. Will he still have his royal background, or will he be a super soldier in the vein of the Captain Britain and France and Italy.

In either light, I don't see Panther joining the Ultimates. So maybe he's now American?

I really wonder how they'll do Ultimate Black Panther.
I really wonder how they'll do Ultimate Black Panther.

I wish Millar was handling it instead of Loeb... Millar would make Wakanda and the Black Panther a commentary on contemporary African Politics, or something interesting like that. Maybe even, if americanized, he can be a first generation immigrant from an African nation who becomes a politician who's secretly a superhero... Sort of like a superhero Obama. Or he can be a remnant of the activist group the Black Panthers...

Ultimate Black Panther under Loeb will probably be a cardboard copy of 616 Luke Cage in a black panther suit who is from Africa but acts like your average street hoodlum.
Or have the Ultimates invade it for diamonds and maybe an ultimate vibranium stash.

But I really don't see him as an Ultimate. He's from another country, he's more of a vigilante, and if he should exist in the Ultimate Universe he should first appear in Ultimate Fantastic Four ala his 616 debut.

He seems shoehorned into the comic. Unless he's American, it makes no sense to have him in the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT'S Superhero Team. And if you make him an American...he's not the Panther. He's just another urban superhero.

I've always liked the premise of the Black Panther, but I don't think Ultimates is going to treat him right.

And I have never had faith in Loeb to take over Ultimates. He doesn't fit the political or big action of the title.
Ultimate Black Panther under Loeb will probably be a cardboard copy of 616 Luke Cage in a black panther suit who is from Africa but acts like your average street hoodlum.
But with Noble Black Man Honor, because every universe needs a sagely Negro.

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