And Codeflesh and Automatic Kafka and the new Godland - though WildCATS V3 and EMH are still my favorites - Roguefan, if you library carries them, see if you can read the first volume of Essential Avengers, especially issues #1-16. That way you'll get the basics that Joe is fleshing out in EMH.
Ok, this started at the bashing Card threat, but I believe this is a better one to FINISH IT.
Why I didn't liked JLA: NWO
The plot: seriously, how many times we have seen the whole "new good guys that in fact are evil but no one believe the old good guys".
And then we are told that the evil guys are just using mind control satellites to get people on their side. If so, why they didn't used it with the JLA too? But thats not enough, cause after the whole typical fight between the heroes and the villians when the good guys get their asses handed, they have to be executed on TV so the whole world can see it (and remember that the people is already under mind control), and it has to be on a death machine where all the JLAers put together.
The characthers: two-dimensional heroes and one-dimensional villians. I think this shouldn't be a real trouble, cause, you know, this has to be expected on almost every team book, but I though: hell, this is Morrison, he knows what he has to do, and besides Bass thinks its great. Damn you Bass!
The end:
deus ex batman is as usual understimated by a superior race that sees him as the weekest member on the team, so they don't care if he is dead or alive. Batman does his unbeatable move and wins againts the random teammates of the leader of the Hyperclan (yeah, I know), setting free the rest of the JLA, giving time for the fight of the two big guys (supes and the other guy, Hypersomething, I don't want to remember) and saving the day again.[/I]
I think that maybe this book wasn't so lame because the previous works on the JLA was even worst, hell, on the nineties everything else was worts. Or maybe is just because after reading stuff like the Ultimates and some other REAL GOOD WORK this looks like crap. Or is just that I was expecting something better and I wasnt satisfaced. Its like going to the movies expecting the X3 to be amazingly cool and get just crap.
And thats all about me hating Bass...
PS: I'm not a DC hater, I've really liked the prelude to Infinite Crisis and I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot.
And I didn't wanted to sound like a jerk, but I'm just pissed...
Probably 1 less time than we've seen the company-wide crossover that will "change everything" but you seem to be liking Infinite Crisis.
Ultimate_Bigby said:
And then we are told that the evil guys are just using mind control satellites to get people on their side. If so, why they didn't used it with the JLA too? But thats not enough, cause after the whole typical fight between the heroes and the villians when the good guys get their asses handed, they have to be executed on TV so the whole world can see it (and remember that the people is already under mind control), and it has to be on a death machine where all the JLAers put together.
... Because it was a subtle activity on a higher frequency, not "I am MIND MAN!" or "I am DOCTOR HYPNO!" It was a subtle push to make the average person more susceptible to their appearance. And it did work on the JLA. Remember how they took out Superman?
Ultimate_Bigby said:
The characthers: two-dimensional heroes and one-dimensional villians. I think this shouldn't be a real trouble, cause, you know, this has to be expected on almost every team book, but I though: hell, this is Morrison, he knows what he has to do, and besides Bass thinks its great. Damn you Bass!
I never said this was a deep character book. This is, as I stated, totally wild superhero action fare. There isn't time for deep character revelations because the world's in trouble! My God though - one-dimensional villains? Fair enough.
How multi-dimensional is Kleiser, the EVIL ALIEN GERMAN NAZI? You can't get more one-dimensional than that. And he was the villain for 7 issues! The Hyperclan was there for four!
And two-dimensional heroes? In a team book, the team is essentially one character with each individual representing a different dimension. It's not how deep each character is, but how polarised the team is. In JLA, each of the seven heroes is very distinct (although, Wonder Woman is the weakest), plus they use their powers intelligently.
Ultimate_Bigby said:
The end:
deus ex batman is as usual understimated by a superior race that sees him as the weekest member on the team, so they don't care if he is dead or alive. Batman does his unbeatable move and wins againts the random teammates of the leader of the Hyperclan (yeah, I know), setting free the rest of the JLA, giving time for the fight of the two big guys (supes and the other guy, Hypersomething, I don't want to remember) and saving the day again.[/I]
The Hyperclan underestimate Batman because eons ago they went to Earth and ****ed up mankind's genetic material. Of course they don't care if he's dead or alive. It makes sense. It's not arrogance. They know for a fact they're better than he is, because they ****ed up his entire species before he was even born. Also, the Fire thing is completely set up ON THE FIRST PAGE. It's mentioned throughout the first issue that the fire superheroes are missing. Obviously, fire was their weakness, and Batman would work this out. I just cannot see how you didn't think Batman's "Ready when you are." wasn't cool. I just loved it. It's not deus ex machina if it's set up and the resolution comes from the main characters. They worked out their weakness. They exploited it. They beat them. They saved the world. What were you expecting?
Ultimate_Bigby said:
I think that maybe this book wasn't so lame because the previous works on the JLA was even worst, hell, on the nineties everything else was worts. Or maybe is just because after reading stuff like the Ultimates and some other REAL GOOD WORK this looks like crap. Or is just that I was expecting something better and I wasnt satisfaced. Its like going to the movies expecting the X3 to be amazingly cool and get just crap.
Kingdom Come and JLA: The Nail were both terrific. The Giffen and DeMatteis (sp?) JLA was fun too. But this JLA rocks. It's different to the Ultimates because it's much, much faster and far more action packed. It's better than New Avengers by a long way.
I mean, I just don't get why you're pissed with it. I was very clear in what it was about, how it went down, and what was in it, and you seem to be pissed off at what was in it. You also seem to ignore what was actually in the book and claim its not The Ultimates or "some real good work" (just what the hell are you referring to anyway?). It's a four-issue superhero action fest that has an alien invasion. It does it marvellously. The villains are actually threatening. The JLA is powerful and different, and each hero (even Aquaman) gets to shine.
I can understand you're preferring of the Ultimates to JLA: New World Order. I can understand that. But calling it crap? There are only two superhero team ongoing series I've read that are on a par, or possibly even excel Morrison's JLA: The Ultimates, and The Authority. The other great ones, New X-Men and Doom Patrol are both by Morrison too.
You're right though, the X-Men films are crap.
And how did my recommendation for New World Order start the Card bashing thread?!