Hawkeye101 said:
But may I remind you that the only two 'white races' that ever oppressed people were British and German.
Okay, I know we're going off topic now, but I can't allow such a vulgar display of ignorance to go on uncorrected...
Assuming we're talking about *nationalities* rather than ethnic/racial groups, I'd like to point out the systematic atrocities of the ruling Americans (of ALL races, but predominantly whites) in the Philippines, during the Philippine-American War and the Philippines' turbulent Commonwealth period of the early 20th century.
And then there's the Afrikaners enforcing
the Apartheid system in South Africa during the Cold War years; the repressive
Dutch colonization of Indonesia; the
occupation of the Philippines by the Spanish; the
Belgian conquest of the Congo... in the last 100 years alone, there is no shortage of examples of systematic oppression carried out by Caucasians (or, if you prefer, white folks) who represented neither Britain nor Germany.
Dude, why else are the X-men such a multi-cultural group? They aren't the comic industry's favorite symbol of oppressed minority groups for nothing, you know!
Hawkeye101 said:
You know what, the whole race thing is stupid.
I'll agree with you that racial and class discrimination persists until today, amongst individuals of ALL races and nationalties. It's something that needs to be discussed, addresed, negotiated, and made public through healthy conversation, so we can coordinate efforts to limit this kind of discrimination, in our own little ways. It's totally unconstructive to dismiss it as "stupid".
Well... unless you're discussing the ethnicity of a tit-flashing, egg-laying, potentially traitorous mutant. Yeah, then maybe it *is* a little stupid.