Well-Known Member
I haven't read The Trial and don't really intend to. The Metamorphosis on the other hand is something I've been forced to read for class on three separate occasions. Each time I understand it a little better than the time before and each time it gets less entertaining.We read The Trial in high school, so, sadly, no bugs. (No real interest on my part, either, I'm afraid. Honestly, I found the idea of existentialism to be thoroughly unappealing.)
Kafka isn't something anyone should be forced to read. Ever.
Maybe I'll hold off on that after all. Wide Sargasso Sea has kind of soured me on depressing books about mentally ill women.I'm not sure if you'll like The Bell Jar. It's a semi-autobiographical novel -- it deals with a woman suffering from emotional and mental illness, which I believe Plath had for much of her life. Yes, depressing topic, but in the book I recognized some of the women's issues I'd had to deal with as a teen/young adult. (For example, some of the book's critics couldn't understand why Plath seemed to use babies to symbolize death. As someone who was raised in a society where women were still expected to have to choose either a family or a career, but not both [and family was the preferred choice], I completely understood the author's symbolism.)
At least for the immediate future.
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