What are you more scared of???

What are you more scared of?

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Im confused, so are we voting that we would rather be one of these or that we would be scared of one of these?
Well, you should read the title of the thread, maybe that will clear it up.


i did, im afraid of fast zombies. but i get the feeling some people are saying they would rather be a vampire or a zombie and IM SO CONFUSED!!!

probably not surpriseing. that time of month for me right now.
You know, I was going to pick zombies...

but I pressed vampires by accident.

...wow, I AM a moron.
I have, through many hours of painstaking research, deduced that the girl who sits next to me in my computer science class is a vampire. She dresses in all black, has chains and fishnets everywhere. The other day when I got a papercut, she was eyeing it for the entire class.

If she had a machine gun, I'd be pretty scared.
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I have, through many hours of painstaking research, deduced that the girl who sits next to me in my computer science class is a vampire. She dresses in all black, has chains and fishnets everywhere. The other day when I got a papercut, she was eyeing it for the entire class.

If she had a machine gun, I'd be pretty scared.

She sounds very sexy.
Oh, Fictional characters... Ok,.... Zombies... they seem to be the only ones without usable limitations. Vampires, they have to be invited in, allergic to garlic, sun light and holy water, and only hunt at night. Werewolves, silver bullets and only stalk at night under a full moon. Mummies, only go after the one(s) that opened their tomb. And once you put back what you took. they leave you alone. Zombie you got to destroy their brains and if you have a large group of them, theres little to no chance of survival. You can trick them, cause their soulless mindless creators. You only one way of hurting/killing them. So Zombies...

Non-Fictional charaters... Moony with Power... that would be a dark day for the U.C.

I mean, unless you're another vampire (or possibly werewolf) that's done something to piss someone off, the only thing the vamp's going to do is bite you. So, at the very worst YOU become a vampire, and how badass is that? Pretty badass. Especially since you get a machine gun. Not to mention all those other extra powers like flying, telepathy, strength, speed, transformation, etc. Hell, I'd make a kickass costume and go to work. Pluse, vampires are pretty much people, or at least their thinking entities, so there's the possibility of reasoning with them, or bargaining, or trying a lot of other stuff. And if all comes down to it, you've got a whole host of ways of keeping vamps in check, including something as simple as NOT INVITING THEM IN. Set up a perimeter with crosses and other repellants, hang out in a basement away from windows (to avoid bullets) and pray for daylight.

Zombies though, there's just no escape. You either keep running, kill yourself, or get eaten. I mean, at least with slow zombies you can improvise weapons and maybe have a shot at fighting your way out. But runners...you're screwed. They've only got one weakness, never tire, never stop, can't be reasoned with and only multiply. It's like facing a hurricane that wants to eat you.
There you have it.

The debate has been settled.

We should close this thread now. "clunk" or something.
Ghost rapists should also be an option.
It's impossible for ghosts to rape me. When they offer me sex, I always give my consent. Ghost porn would be hawt.

Besides, it's not rape, just surprise sex.
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Suprise Sex is the best sex.

Specially the part where you beat them unconscious and leave them in an alley to die.
It's impossible for ghosts to rape me. When they offer me sex, I always give my consent. Ghost porn would be hawt.

Besides, it's not rape, just surprise sex.
Ghosts are invisible, so you have to be careful. The ghost that offers you sex might be a woman or something. EWWW!!!
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