Read this for the first time over the past week or so. I was not disappointed.
It angers me that this isn't taught in high schools, because it's a far more layered, philosophical and politically important story than most of the books we did read(including several Shakespeares).
I figured out Veidt was behind it at some point, but for far less brilliant reasons(they said earlier in the story that war means money for corporations) than it turned out.
A few problems I have:
- Veidt disintegrating Dr. Manhattan(and Bubastis:cry

was as ridiculous a move as Dr. Manhattan later accused it of being. Seriously, why the **** would he even entertain the idea that that would work? Wouldn't it make make much more sense if he just assumed that if he could delay Manhattan's intervention long enough for him to execute the plan, Manhattan would see that it made logical sense and not apprehend him?
- I think the last scene would've been more impactual if that had been the moment we actually find out that that's where Rorschach mailed his journal, rather than just finding out that it might get published after all.
- Why can't Dr. Manhattan stop other people from aging? Nitpick, but they should've addresed that.
Nevertheless, 10/10.