Variant Cover for Ultimate Spider-Man #104

Read his "Alias" series. Read his run on "Daredevil". Those were all STELLAR works of Bendis. His early run on USM was great.

Honestly, ALL the ultimate titles were better at the beginning. They have all gotten worse over time. UFF has been fantastically disappointing since the Namor arc. And UXM is unreadable. Total garbage.

IMHO, USM and Ultimates have been the only consistantly good ultimate titles. Now does that mean that there hasn't been a lackluster arc or 2 in USM? No. There has been. But by and large, USM has been a great title. And the clone arc has been spectacular, making up for p*ss poor arcs like say...Deadpool. But hey everyone has opinions.

And Thanx for the welcome and all that jazz.
I haven't bee nreading UXM but I like the direction they're taking it with Cable. Spiderman has been unreadable for quite some time. I'm gonna have to side with VVD on that one. Ultimates is the ONLY consistant one that's nothing but good, if not great, issues.
Are you high? USM is by far the best of the ultimate titles. (It would be Ultimates but it only comes out once every 6 months or so) The clone saga is great and gets better with every issue. I can't wait to see how it comes out. I don't know what all you doinks are complaining about. If you want to complain about a crappy Ultimate title, how about UXM? Talk about lame. Both the art and writing blow.

I wasn't trying to be hostile. I'm just confused at how some folks can be so down on what is clearly a great title.

I get that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that doesn't make it right. :D

wow Deja vu. E, VVD, how about you?

I went through the same thing when I first joined up Mike. You'll get used to it. Allthough if I remember correctly, I was much more of an *** than you.
I haven't bee nreading UXM but I like the direction they're taking it with Cable. Spiderman has been unreadable for quite some time. I'm gonna have to side with VVD on that one. Ultimates is the ONLY consistant one that's nothing but good, if not great, issues.
I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I hate the direction they're taking Cable and Ultimates isn't the ONLY consistant one. UFF has been very solid, but you're right Ult. Spider-Man has been bad for a long time.
I didn't like president Thor too much. Still cool but the whole time thing is very unpopular with me. Even in YA
Are you high? USM is by far the best of the ultimate titles. (It would be Ultimates but it only comes out once every 6 months or so) The clone saga is great and gets better with every issue. I can't wait to see how it comes out. I don't know what all you doinks are complaining about. If you want to complain about a crappy Ultimate title, how about UXM? Talk about lame. Both the art and writing blow.
well you are entitled to you opinion

no im not high (currently)

it's not USM's fault it's burning out right now it's the creative team they've gone 102 issue's so far and they put a bunch of filler arc in there so they can reach the landmark 104 before bagley leaves

i am a huge USM fan it's what brought me into comics but this is what ive noticed, i read just about everything bendis writes for marvel currently (because i know he can write a good story) and it's not just USM thats gone down in quality, everything he writes has gone down across the board, he's like an employee who's gotten tenure and doesn't feel like he has to do his job anymore, it's all joe quesada's fault he gave bendis to much credit and now he's to the point that he could write absolute drivle (MJgoblin) and it will still sell (it's kind of like daniel way on wolverine origins),the last remotely good USM arc was warriors

and plus since it was announced that bagley is leaving the book with issue #110 it seems like bagley has completely checked out the art is nowhere near as good as it was since then

there is a commandment in marvel comics "thou shalt not give MJ super-powers" it's on it's own tablet in stan lee's office right next to "thou shalt not go for a whole month without wolverine appearing in atleast four books"
Um yeah...So, how many Bendis-bashing threads are there on this site? Because I feel like every time I click on a link somone's making fun of the guy. Don't get me wrong -- I give him a good right hook to the jaw if I ever met him, but don't you get bored of saying 'Deadpool was bad! The clone saga is Bad!' in every post you make? I mean, should't that be reserved for the threads that discuss the issues? Maybe it's because I'm new and stupid but this dosn't make sense.

As for Bags' Variant That's fantastic. It would be even better if you drew Spidey clinging to a wall. Am I the only one who thinks that Bagley is just a crappy artist?? The only reason I ever tolerated USM was because the story's were interesting back in the day. Bagley needs to never be allowed to draw again. If I had it my way then he'd have his hands sliced off. Then he'd be forced to listen to a recording of me telling him "Just because you claim that your art was influenced by manga does not mean that it is good" on infinite loop for the rest of his life.
Um yeah...So, how many Bendis-bashing threads are there on this site? Because I feel like every time I click on a link somone's making fun of the guy. Don't get me wrong -- I give him a good right hook to the jaw if I ever met him, but don't you get bored of saying 'Deadpool was bad! The clone saga is Bad!' in every post you make? I mean, should't that be reserved for the threads that discuss the issues? Maybe it's because I'm new and stupid but this dosn't make sense.

As for Bags' Variant That's fantastic. It would be even better if you drew Spidey clinging to a wall. Am I the only one who thinks that Bagley is just a crappy artist?? The only reason I ever tolerated USM was because the story's were interesting back in the day. Bagley needs to never be allowed to draw again. If I had it my way then he'd have his hands sliced off. Then he'd be forced to listen to a recording of me telling him "Just because you claim that your art was influenced by manga does not mean that it is good" on infinite loop for the rest of his life.
welcome get used to bendis bashing there's alot of it
Um yeah...So, how many Bendis-bashing threads are there on this site? Because I feel like every time I click on a link somone's making fun of the guy. Don't get me wrong -- I give him a good right hook to the jaw if I ever met him, but don't you get bored of saying 'Deadpool was bad! The clone saga is Bad!' in every post you make? I mean, should't that be reserved for the threads that discuss the issues? Maybe it's because I'm new and stupid but this dosn't make sense.
We post about plenty of other stuff. If you want a thread not dedicated to bashing Bendis perhaps you should try not clicking on anything with Ultimate Spider-Man in the title. There are other comics you know (although you should also avoid Ultimate Power for the time being).
Um yeah...So, how many Bendis-bashing threads are there on this site? Because I feel like every time I click on a link somone's making fun of the guy. Don't get me wrong -- I give him a good right hook to the jaw if I ever met him, but don't you get bored of saying 'Deadpool was bad! The clone saga is Bad!' in every post you make? I mean, should't that be reserved for the threads that discuss the issues? Maybe it's because I'm new and stupid but this dosn't make sense.

Hey - we excessively bash Orson Scott Card too! :evil:
Um yeah...So, how many Bendis-bashing threads are there on this site? Because I feel like every time I click on a link somone's making fun of the guy. Don't get me wrong -- I give him a good right hook to the jaw if I ever met him, but don't you get bored of saying 'Deadpool was bad! The clone saga is Bad!' in every post you make? I mean, should't that be reserved for the threads that discuss the issues? Maybe it's because I'm new and stupid but this dosn't make sense.

As for Bags' Variant That's fantastic. It would be even better if you drew Spidey clinging to a wall. Am I the only one who thinks that Bagley is just a crappy artist?? The only reason I ever tolerated USM was because the story's were interesting back in the day. Bagley needs to never be allowed to draw again. If I had it my way then he'd have his hands sliced off. Then he'd be forced to listen to a recording of me telling him "Just because you claim that your art was influenced by manga does not mean that it is good" on infinite loop for the rest of his life.
Yeah Bendis and OSC are real popular for us to poop on. We only keep talking about when some fanboy shows up and says "Oh my god the is unbelievble why do you hate this." we feel we must teach wisdom to such underlings by hateful remarks toward Bendis

Also I like Bagley's art, wouldn't mind a change and that variant is extremely under Random's quality standard (which is pretty damn low). Would have been a nice refernce to the first cover if they did more with it but no
Yeah Bendis and OSC are real popular for us to poop on. We only keep talking about when some fanboy shows up and says "Oh my god the is unbelievble why do you hate this." we feel we must teach wisdom to such underlings by hateful remarks toward Bendis

Not to mention he was a total ******* toward The Good Doctor.
Not bashing Bendis thread , I think there might be some posts that doesn't bash Bendis in New Avengers topics.

And yes UC will never forgive Orson Scott for what he has done to Iron Man.
Yeah Bendis and OSC are real popular for us to poop on. We only keep talking about when some fanboy shows up and says "Oh my god the is unbelievble why do you hate this." we feel we must teach wisdom to such underlings by hateful remarks toward Bendis
thats how they converted me

damn you guys i was happy being ignorant now i think my one time favorite book sucks all because of you guys!

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