Just read the new XO Manowar and Shadowman issues, as well as the first issue of Quantum and Woody.
Really enjoyed XO, had a great but subtle connection back to the first issue involving Eternal Warrior (not subtle in terms of the current issue, but when first reading the first issue it definitely is). Looking forward to seeing how Aric's return to Earth with the kidnapped Visigoths will play out. Conflict to be sure, and it'll be interesting to see what other Valiant characters he ends up crossing paths with in the near future (especially given the upcoming Unity crossover mini).
Shadowman is picking up nicely. It's probably my least favorite of the Valiant relaunch titles, but the dark artwork and storyline are still solid. With him going to the Deadside to confront Darque, next issue will be exciting.
Quantum and Woody was funny, but otherwise kind of "meh". Archer & Armstrong does the humor angle much better and more intelligently tongue in cheek, and combined with the Indiana Jones like adventure and historical flashbacks, is a much more satisfying title in terms of both story, characterization, and use of humor. Still, the Q&W weekly series releases they had on IGN leading up to the first issues release were over all wickedly funny, which shows me the writer has a decent sense of humor that'll be utilized better in future issues, now that most of the setups and introductions are out of the way. Overall a still enjoyable read.
Looking forward to this month's Archer & Armstrong. Also looking forward to Harbinger and Bloodshot, as well as the final issue of Harbinger Wars, to see how that wraps up and sets in motion the Unity event later this year.