Valiant Relaunch

The Valiant #1 preview Bloodshot AND The Eternal Warrior?!! I am actually genuinely excited for this.

Yeah, fantastic writing team with Lemire and Kindt, and Rivera's art is pretty great.

Should be interesting. I like that it's bringing pretty much all the big names of the Valiant universe together. It'll also be nice to see the Geomancer plot lines furthered as well. It's been touched upon a bit in A&A and EW, but not much.

Looking forward to it, and I'm psyched you're excited for it too.
Yeah, fantastic writing team with Lemire and Kindt, and Rivera's art is pretty great.

Should be interesting. I like that it's bringing pretty much all the big names of the Valiant universe together. It'll also be nice to see the Geomancer plot lines furthered as well. It's been touched upon a bit in A&A and EW, but not much.

Looking forward to it, and I'm psyched you're excited for it too.

Outside of a few issues of early The New 52 and Valiant I've never read anything by Lemire or Kindt so that means nothing to me. Rivera is a good artist though so it's got that going for it. I'm just excited about Eternal Warrior and Bloodshot. The Delinquents was such a huge let down though so I'm not getting my hopes up at this being good.
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The Delinquents was such a huge let down though so I'm not getting my hopes up at this being good.

Ummmm... why?

I mean, first off, it's only 1 issue in out of a 4-issue mini-series, so not sure how you can pass judgement yet. I mean, you can pass judgement on the one issue released so far, but not seeing how it's been a huge let-down... it's exactly what it's been sold as: a Q&W and A&A team up. It's funny, tongue-in-cheek political and social humor. Perhaps that's what you're let down by, since apparently you don't like topical, anti-conservative humor, which A&A is especially known for. But I direct you back to out previous debate on that specific topic, and I'm still waiting on a response from you on it.
I love topical anti-Conservative humor, I just don't find Archer and Armstrong funny. I'm not really a fan of Fred Van Lente. I was hoping The Delinquents would be more Quantum and Woody and less Archer and Armstrong and it wasn't.
I haven't read much by him. Pretty much just A&A (which I adore) and some of the MCU spin off comics.

He's very hit or miss. I started REALLY not liking his stuff after that Black Widow Strikes Avengers Prelude miniseries though. That was horrible.

So are Greg Pak and Eternal Warrior done for or...?
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So are Greg Pak and Eternal Warrior done for or...?

I'm honestly not sure. The EW-Days of Steel 3-issue mini starts in November, by Peter Milligan and Cary Nord.

They've said there will be plenty more EW after that, but whether that means just appearing in Unity and other titles, the return of his ongoing, or future EW miniseries I'm not sure.

Just read The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1. I liked it. I normally am not a fan of the supernatural/horror type comics, but I really enjoyed this one. Jen Van Meter packed the issue with a lot of characterization and set up for the following issues, and offered some interesting plot questions that'll be revealed later in the mini. Wasn't a fan of Roberto de la Torre's art, but it does fit the tone of the story.

If you liked Shadowman you'll probably enjoy Dr. Mirage, wyo.
I command thee, kneel!

Then read last week's and this week's stuff (there's only one issue--Dr. Mirage--this week).

I'm going through this week's stuff now. I just finished Rai #4. This book really needs a new letterer. The text is so huge and comic sans-y. The art was also really muddy and sometimes hard to follow. Other than that it was a pretty solid final issue. I really don't like how Valiant rotates their books though. I want the next issue this month not December. You know, like a normal comic publisher does. It's hard to get invested in something that just stops and starts months later.
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I'm going through this week's stuff now. I just finished Rai #4. This book really needs a new letterer. The text is so huge and comic sans-y. The art was also really muddy and sometimes hard to follow. Other than that it was a pretty solid final issue. I really don't like how Valiant rotates their books though. I want the next issue this month not December. You know, like a normal comic publisher does. It's hard to get invested in something that just stops and starts months later.

I actually like the approach Valiant takes. It's encouraging that they're not trying to replicate the same patterns of the bigger companies, and trying new things. It's inventive and original.

I agree it makes waiting annoying, but I love Crain's art (though admittedly, I have to agree, #4 was sort of muddy), so I'm okay with the few months between issues so he can get enough lead time to get the arcs done so once they release the arcs release monthly.

I'm sure they'll replace him eventually, so it'll probably start coming out on a more normal monthly schedule. But again, I like Valiant's approach. They limit their monthly amount of books which makes it easier for fans to check everything out, and get invested in most or even all their characters.
Just read The Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1. I liked it. I normally am not a fan of the supernatural/horror type comics, but I really enjoyed this one. Jen Van Meter packed the issue with a lot of characterization and set up for the following issues, and offered some interesting plot questions that'll be revealed later in the mini. Wasn't a fan of Roberto de la Torre's art, but it does fit the tone of the story.

If you liked Shadowman you'll probably enjoy Dr. Mirage, wyo.

You're crazy. That art was perfect for the story. I dug the hell out of this. Just worried it might be going the safe route.
You're crazy. That art was perfect for the story. I dug the hell out of this. Just worried it might be going the safe route.

I specifically said that while I wasn't a fan of the art, it fit the story well. Also, I wouldn't worry about it "going the safe route" (whatever that means). We're only an issue in and all indicators seem that Van Meter knows what she's doing.
You're still crazy.

I'm talking safe route as this being a horror book. It's very easy to fall into unnecessary or poorly executed gore and violence.

Enjoyed Armor Hunters: Harbinger #3. The horror worked well with that book.
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You're still crazy.

Well, that's a given.

I'm talking safe route as this being a horror book. It's very easy to fall into unnecessary or poorly executed gore and violence.

I wouldn't expect that from this. Shadowman's early issues could've been described that way, but even then it was more about the horror element than gore. I have a feeling any gore in this will be more reserved, and the horror/shock aspects will be more character-based (since the title is focusing on and drawing from Mirage's past relationship with her dead husband).

Enjoyed Armor Hunters: Harbinger #3. The horror worked well with that book.

I haven't read this week's issues yet (AH-H #3 and A&A #24). Just got home from vacation a few hours ago, just finished unpacking and am downloading this week's comics and the last couple weeks of TF comics.

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